Motivate and inspire your team by doing this as a leader

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2 years ago

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Taking responsibility and making sure your team is doing great is a mark of a great leader. As a team leader, so much time and energy will be required from you to make sure your team grow in all aspects. But when you do all of this, like you put so much effort in building the team, you select the right people to make up the team and at the end of it, it seems you've not done anything. Instead of growth, your team declines in every aspect. Everything you do to make sure your team stands strongs doesn't seem to work, this happens because you are using the wrong approach and strategies. Money can't solve everything, as a team leader your money can't make your team members like you. It takes true leadership together with real life strategies to inspire and motivate your team.

Some of their things that you need to do as a team leader to motivate and inspire your team members

As a leader you need to lead by example.

You can expect people to be good and respect you if you don't exibit such character as well. As a leader, you must possess all the qualities you want in your team. A proud leader will never make a good team, you will motivate and inspire your team if you are a type of lead who is hardworking, dedicated, honest, admits every mistakes, respectful and as well possesses other good traits that will add value to building the team.

As a good leader talk to your team members on personal growth

A successful team will always achieve its goals because they have this growth mindset. As a leader you can talk to your team members on how they can develop themselves past the level they are, organize classes for them where you invite experts to talk to them about new things they can learn, encourage them to read good books about success. The team won't just experience personal growth, but the organization will also.

As a leader appreciate every little effort of your team

It's not just about money alone. Appreciating every little effort by the team can go a long way to motivate them to grow professionally.

Be a good listener as a leader

Sometimes you as a leader don't need to speak everytime. If you want to motivate your team, give them the chance to also express themselves. Listen to their own ideas and opinions, correct them when they are wrong, applaud them for every answer they give. Your team will be super motivated if the see that you also give them the chance to express themselves.

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Reward every hardwork by your team members

This act can go a long way in inspiring your team. Everyone wants to get some reward for a task well done, and if you can implement this then you have opened them up to even do more equally heading the path of greatness.

Get more closer to your team

What i mean here is that as a team leader you need to build that relationship with you team but with limit. Find better ways to create a more deeper connection between you and your team members, always be open and real to them on the things that will help inspire and motivate them.


As a team leader, if you want to run a successful team you need to get the trust if your team members. If you are honest in all you actions, you will automatically build trust and earn respect as well.

Glad that you had to stay till this point. This are just personal thoughts, but i know very well that the can go a long way to help you build a perfect and working team.

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2 years ago


Those are wonderful tips for leaders to reflect on and consider. A leader will be effective and efficient if he would at least try to follow those.

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2 years ago

Sure it is.

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2 years ago