Good to feel sad, but don't be sad forever

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2 years ago

It is so normal for we humans to be sad, nothing bad about it. Sometimes we try to hide our sad mood because of the feedback we will get from the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Their feedback will always make use look useless and little. It is so okay to feel sad, but because of the negative feedbacks we will get from people, it will seem like we have committed the worst sin for just being sad.

We have seven days in a week, and in any of this days we will always slip into sad moods. I just want to tell you that feeling sad is not a bad thing as it is completely okay, but don't stay sad for a longer period of time. Anyone that says he/she can stay happy for a whole week is joking. As long as you are meeting people everyday, doing new things, something will always make you sad. Just be real when you find yourself in such a moment, even if you pretend to be happy with a smile on your face, it will only give an impression to whosoever that is with you that you are happy, but right inside you are in darkness.

I was talking with a friend this morning and she was telling me that for some time now she has been feeling sad. While she was still talking, i had to stop her and encourage her that feeling sad isn't a bad thing as it is so okay to feel that way. I went on to tell her that i do feel the same way too, everyone else feels the same way.

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It is good to feel sad, but don't be sad forever. If you have friends around that feel sad, remind them that they won't always stay happy and strong all the time as sad moments will always come. We are humans with emotions and we have blood flowing through our veins. Sad moods are part of our emotions, we shouldn't overlook it but find a way to take ourselves out from it.

I am so happy and proud of my friend for opening up to me on how she feel, not everyone will do that. But for her boldness and trust she has on me really gave her the courage to speak to me about this things. I told her that as she wakes up every morning, she should remind herself that whatever she does that day that eventually makes her feel sad, she shouldn't be troubled as it is completely okay, but find a way to heal fast.

It is a short article, but having read and maybe get to know that feeling sad is completely okay, you can help your friends and other persons who find themselves in such mood. Encourage them to always share whatsoever is bothering them with the right people so they can get the help they need.

Whatever it may be that you are feeling now, just tell this to yourself that everything is okay, there is always room for you to get the light to shine in every same mood for faster healing. Make sure to be in the circle of positive minded people who will always feed you with the right words. Don't be angry with yourself, but show more love and support when you are in a time of despair.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!!

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2 years ago


It is good to be sad, but not so much. if you cry you wash the sorrows of the soul and you are clean to continue on your way, but you have to be careful that this does not turn into depression, that is the evil of this century.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to be sad but not all the time.. Sadness is part of are life because if you're not feel sad your not a human.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sadness is a nature of humn being we laugh and cry because it is part of our emotions, we still thankful if we experience sadness it is the sign that we still kicking and alive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure for that. Thank you for your contribution.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is okay and fine to be sad from time to time but remember not to let yourself be drowned in that emotion. Remember too much of everything is dangerous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. If we allow too much of sadness in our lives, it will end up eating us up which is not good.

$ 0.00
2 years ago