Anyone can be a graphic designer

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1 year ago

I read a post by about graphic designers and I thought about it, maybe I should make my own contribution to the topic. Graphic designing is a very good career anyone could take up. In one of my previous articles I talked about jobs that will still be available by 2040, from what I have seen, graphic designing will survive till that time and still be selling.

Graphic design is communication, and this is not done verbally. It is done by bringing colors, letters, and shapes together to pass an idea. This time is the right to get get oneself acquainted with the idea of graphic design. Graphic design brings in lots of money, but the sad thing is that sometimes it can be very tough task to become one. Before one could be a good graphic designer, they must be good in drawing, sketching, bringing ideas out from chaos, good at using colors, photo editing, strategising, and many more. You might not be born with all of this skills, but you can always train yourself to be good at each of the basic skills.

Anyone can tag themselves a graphic designer, but it needs extra skills to be a professional in the industry. It's a career that needs more of patience and time. Like a plan of a building, a graphic designer will need a sketch to always return to if they are on any project. The sketch is just like an idea of what they need to do. Graphic design isn't a career that one will take up just like that. The fellow must have passion for it, must be ready to follow the dream to the last point passionately.

A professional graphic designer has the capacity to bring out fresh ideas from chaos, communicate ideas in a clear term, makes difficult terms look more simple. You can see why I said it is tough to master it cos of the demands it comes with. A good graphic designer must be talented enough to be able to communicate with their clients in the way they would understand.

With the little I had said so far, you will be thinking if it's still safe to be a graphic designer... Yes you can become a good one if you are determined within you. With the complete and right tools, joined together with the basics skills needed, you are on your way to becoming a professional graphic designer. You might not have the financial strength get admitted into colleges that teaches graphic designs. Don't get discouraged cos you still have alternatives that will help you get acquainted with the career. You can always get videos on YouTube, visit platforms like Udemy and read courses that will give you the knowledge to enhance your skills. The more you devote your time to practice, the more you will get better in the industry.

Thank you for scrolling....

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$ 0.02 from @JLoberiza
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1 year ago


Why did I feel like you were talking to me as I read this?

Thanks for the insight...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Don't let anything stop you from becoming what you dream of. Be willing to sacrifice your time, and also have the zeal for it. Trust me, you will be one of the best. I really appreciate.

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1 year ago