A Simple Fact That Everybody Will Agree With

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2 years ago
Topics: Happiness

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Today i will be talking on happiness and some of the little things we can do to boost it. Happiness is just being in a good mood like feeling good moment by moment. Happiness is that mood we are in where our positive emotions dominates or pushes away the negative emotions. There will always be a contest between this two as one gets to stay and the other leaves. Happiness won't just come from anywhere but within, we must do all we can to fight sadness, loneliness, melancholy, anger, and rage.......and give way for love, contentment, satisfaction, and serenity which are the positve emotions to stay. This is the only way we can get true and peaceful happiness.

Some of the things we go through in life affects our happiness. Having a good and reasonable amount of money in our accounts, having cute kids, living in the best house in town, owning the latest smartphone will make us happy, but to a certain level. Happiness comes from within us, it is our choice to make if we want to have total control of our happiness level. There are a lot of things we can do as Individuals to help boost our happiness level. As we move on, i will outline some of those things we need to do to help us stay happy moment by moment.

Being grateful is one of the things i would have listen. A heart that is grateful for all the things that it has commands happiness. Making gratitude a day-to-day practice will help boost your happiness level, at your free time write down the things that brings you joy and be grateful for it daily. If this is done on a daily basis, our positive emotions will be stronger than before. It may look as if it won't work at the first trial, but it will definitely work if you are so consistent in doing it.

Our mindset also affects our happiness, if we have a negative mindset, then happiness will be absent in our lives, but if we have a positive mindset then happiness is guaranteed. Happiness is not like the process you go through when you want to buy a car, that after paying for the car you own it forever. No!! Happiness is something you work for on a daily basis. When i say work, i don't mean lifting heavy loads before you get happiness. It's just a simple daily practice, doing the things that makes you happy and other people as well.

Making people happy is one of the things that brings us happiness. There is no how the people around that you have affected their life either by giving them gifts, showing them love, etc are happy that you will not be happy also. Having good relationship with people outside your family plays a bigger role in our happiness.

I promised to list some of the things that can help boost our happiness level, so here we go:

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Take enough time to enjoy and appreciate every positive moments

What's the rush, take it slowly and enjoy those positive moments you have on a daily basis. Wish that it could last forever, get deeply soak in it that you loose consciousness of your present self. Enjoy it until it gives you thousands of reasons to be grateful for, take it so serious because it is a golden experience that worths your time.

Build relationship with the right people

Having the right before around you will help boost your happiness level. Toxic and negative people will always want to associate with you, their plan for you is never a good one. But staying in the circle of positive minded people will help create an environment that is filled with happiness. Make the right choice of the kind of people you associate with.

Set positive goals for yourself

Setting positive and achievable goals will help girls you a purpose. This goals should not hurt you but it should be a kind that inspire you and makes you stay active always. The journey towards achieving this goals should always make you happy. It shouldn't be based on what the society wants, remember this is all about you, and you must do all you can to boost your happiness level.

Devotion to the things of God

Giving a bigger part of youself, and time to the things that has to buildng the kingdom of God will bring happiness to you. This is the most assured source of happiness, try to devote yourself and watch how your happiness level will grow.

Stay positive

Don't let the negative thoughts rule over the positive thoughts. Negative thoughts are distraction, the don't allow you to see the good and benefit in what you are doing, but positve thoughts keeps us still active even when what we are doing is so small and insignificat. Being active will leave to happiness in the process. Dwell more in the positive.

Be grateful for little things

I talked about being grateful for little things in my previous post. Every little thing that we will ever value will bring happiness and it will help boost it.

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With this few list of the things that help boost ones article. Try to include them in your daily routine and watch how happy you will be daily.

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Thank you for reading....

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2 years ago
Topics: Happiness


Happiness is arbitrary. It may be caused by external forces and it can't last long. It is fleeting. Joy, on the other hand is different. Something deep. We need to decide on our own happiness. We are in charge of our own happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. This is adding to what i said in the article, happiness come from the inside to the outside and radiates to others.

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2 years ago