Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship

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2 years ago
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Hello everyone,


In order for us to appreciate any relationship we find ourselves in, it is very important that we first establish trust. Without this basic foundation, the relationship is sure to be unstable and possibly doomed.


So the question is, what is trust? Trust is a big word and it is made up of many components. Some of these components include: honesty, desire, hard work, transparency, etc.


They say trust is earned. This means that it cannot be given to you simply when you summon it. Instead, you have to show that you deserve it. And so it has several branches or components.


Before you gain another person's trust, you must be open to them and never hide anything from them, in other words, lie to them. That way they are safe in any decision they plan to include you or are safe in everything they do around you.


Once someone begins to have doubts about you or begins to question any decision they want to make regarding you, you have most likely lost their trust and it will surely be very difficult to regain it.


Know that even when you are forgiven for the betrayal, it will be almost impossible to heal the wound that has been created. That is why we must appreciate the trust that people instill in us and do everything in our power to maintain it.


Thank you all.

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