The history of music artists; The case of The Ventures!

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2 years ago

The Ventures is an American instrumental rock band which was formed in 1958 in Tacoma in Washington of Don Wilson and Bog Bogle. The band, a quartet for most of its existence, made their contribution to make popular the electrical guitar in the United States and all over the world during the 1960s.

The Ventures is a band that you can hear on the most ordinary music platforms on the internet today, and they are YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify and Deezer. And we should listen to things that we like, and with things that can us a star in the books that is coming from time to time. And there are many people not given any contribution in their life, and we are all perceiving the light and darkness, the pretty good atmosphere in different environments, and we are seeing and talking to other individual, and life is always a mixture of things, and there is nothing new for many, but we must try to figure what can be new for the world in all the versions that we are facing. And it is sad and tragic that many organizations do not give any properly contribution to the world, and the reason is that we know what is coming in the human nature in the nature. And we do not want to die of this, but we should be stress innovation, and giving the best we can to any society. But life is known and unknown things, and this is also the situation in the sciences, for instance within culture and advertising. But today, there are hard requirements of being new, and we must just find our place in the nature, and try to do anything that is worth the time of listening to.

Wilson's mother suggested the name "The Ventures", upon which they eventually agreed in 1959. After watching Nokie Edwards play at a nightclub, they recruited him as bass player. Bogle owned a Chet Atkins LP, Hi-Fi in Focus, on which he heard the song "Walk, Don't Run". And you know that the ventures are something you are giving your effort and time to, and we are using our talents and knowledges to make life and other people’s time even more valuable!

We should work with our life and our rational and emotional human being around the globe. And there is plenty of things to do, and we should put our most efforts and time to the things we are interested in, and we should think about how we are using our times, when coming to scarcity of time and resources, and for getting the salaries that we deserve in the organizations we can still be within. And NHH in Bergen should open the lines of the firms to the whole world, and there are similarities and differences of doing things around the blue planet.

The most known songs from «The Ventures» are: «Hawaii Five-O», «Walk Don’t Run» and «Wipe Out». And there are also many albums of this band, and some of them are, when thinking about alternatives: «Walk Don’t Run», «On Stage», «Super Psychedelics» and «Hawaii Five-O». And we should be surrounded by the best people in the world, and among people having long education and research background, and we are learning through the whole life with many things.

We should use all the channels we can with doing anything known on the globe, and the band itself defines its philosophy and how much efforts and time it will use on the music. And often music and sports is a nice combination to use in life, and we should be engaged of where we have got the knowledges in life, and the different degrees in the universities, the colleges and the business schools cannot be compared to each other, because you need a general and a specific way of thinkin in each school. And therefore, a degree in art, makes no knowledges to economics and business administration, and these things should we think about.

There are also different music videos from «The Ventures» on the social media channels, and they are: «Walk Don’t Run», «Wipe Out», «Live in LA» and «Pipeline».

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