How Long Can You Survive Without Help If You Lost Your Job Today?

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2 years ago

Loss of job within the last three years have been on a high, the pandemic managed to escalate things and I happened to be a victim of retrenchment as the company closed its office, a wise move made by the company because you really don't want to be paying for office space which is not being used due to lockdown.
So myself and the staff was laid off without pay, my retrenchment package was R3923 ($267) which I never got till date and not hoping to get it.

When I stumbled upon Hive back in 2018, it didn't take me too long to realize what I want out of Hive, I saw it as a means of residual income, a means to bail out of the sinking ship and it has remain so till date.
So when Covid happened and retrenchment came my way, I was stressed, I had funds that could only last me for just a month. (referring to fiat funds and not my crypto assets)
I didn't see my crypto assets as spending money back then and it remains that way now because I am still at building towards living off crypto phase.

How Long Can You Survive Without Help If You Lost Your Job Today?

Without asking for help I was able to survive just for a month, following that was assistance from friends and asking friends to borrow me money, I was so rigid not to dip my hands into my crypto assets, it wasn't for too long though my cryptos eventually came to my aid for three months before the next paycheck from a freelance project.

Currently am still unemployed and have been taking on freelance projects, the fear of job loss is nonexistence to me now, and if am to answer the question to this topic my answer will be yes I can survive more than a year without needing help by only surviving on my Hive earnings.
Last month my earning on Hive was $250, almost equivalent to the $267 retrenchment package the company was supposed to pay me, can you believe that crap? And I am referring to just Hive earnings alone without second layer tokens.

Ask me this quest few years back and before I answer it I'd probably be sweating with my heart beating because I have no means of surviving without a job.
I feel most of us on here are working towards that goal of Hive being a source of income to us and it has been proving to be so. It is only a matter of time before most can live full time off Hive.

It will be interesting to know how long you can survive if you are jobless today without asking for help.

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2 years ago
