The Difference Between Right And Good

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2 years ago
Topics: Good, Right, Gift, Sincere, Person, ...
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When the eyes are closed the memory of the mind brings up past experiences. when happy and crying form a stronger identity. words and sayings are prayers that come out of people who have fallen and rose from past failures.

When I first came here, I felt impossible to be anything useful because my limitations are no better than the great people here, I lost control when the biggest failure befallen the long journey of my life, as if it was time for me. to go. but the internal conflict in my mind made me look for solutions to change my life, communicate with people I didn't know before, the burden feels lost when my presence here awakens the fighting spirit of life that has gone and has returned.

My pride is starting to take shape from the great people here, do I speak for myself? oh no because someone has supported me and been a part of this great environment. I am obsessed with input from good friend @gertu13 to introduce my identity and also encouragement from the best seniors @TengoLoTodo giving advice to continue to be myself and that is my principle. My happiness is connected to the presence of @Talecharm who has agreed to be my sponsor.

I am a person who has a background that may be different from all my friends here, I was born in a simple family, my father is a farmer and my mother is a vegetable seller, when I was eight years old my biological mother died and that was the heaviest blow that happened since I was little. my father remarried when I was eleven years old when I was in junior high school, my adoptive mother was very kind and always gave me new hope to continue living. I remember my birth mother's message when I was in elementary school before she left for good, she always said that "education and school are important because that is the future". That's the message that always flows in my mind so that I keep trying to continue my studies up to college, because of my persistence and mother's message that continues to burn in my body, I finally finished my studies and got a bachelor's degree in management studies. and now I work in a state agency as a "secret investigative agent" whose job it is to fight corruption and manipulation of government officials and services in my country. This task is quite heavy but I believe that my dream to become a law enforcement officer and the interests of many people is a noble act. because the rights of civil society must be maintained for prosperity and welfare. that's a short summary of getting to know myself, hopefully my presence here provides new insights and can make friends with all of you great people in this community.


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The Difference Between Right And Good

This may be simple enough to understand but sometimes everyone's assessment is different from the point of view that has been experienced so that if we don't understand it carefully we can get stuck in it. Did I make something difficult to understand? I said no.

You may have received something of value from someone and I have a feeling you have all experienced it. but have you ever thought that someone's gift has a purpose and a purpose? or just give a gift as a thank you and sincerity. have you started to understand it? ok i continue.

sumber :

Let me illustrate, when you see an old man walking around in torn clothes and you know he needs help, and you give him a cigarette. What do you think? is this gift good? yes of course good. but is he right? surely you said no.

Next you receive food from someone and the next day you return it by giving food too. is this good? definitely good, but is this true? if you say this is true, are you meritorious?

And the most interesting is the practice of kindness in taking advantage of the situation, when a man likes a woman but a woman does not like him, then this man brings enough food and clothing for this woman's family because of their simple life. is this gift good? of course good because to help simple families. but is this true? Surely you all have guessed that this is not true, because the goal is to get the attention of this woman's parents, not to give it sincerely, so that he gets a woman who doesn't really love him.

This is a separate problem and we must follow up on it in depth, because people's perceptions are different. "True people are good but good people are not necessarily right" You may have been taught with an understanding of your personal beliefs about what is right and good. God always wants us to always do the right thing because righteous people must be good.


Thank you to all friends who have read hopefully useful.

This content is purely from me

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$ 0.12
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.03 from @gertu13
$ 0.02 from @mhy09
+ 1
Sponsors of pajeroz
Avatar for pajeroz
2 years ago
Topics: Good, Right, Gift, Sincere, Person, ...


Where are you a page from? What country are we from. And we will hear stories from your narrative.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I apologize profusely to you my great friend, there are also friends who ask the same thing, I have a task that requires a high level of privacy. and if you need it contact me or give me a TG account if you use it I'll tell you there. Once again I apologize, I hope that is understandable. thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No problem. Live your narrative and be happy doing it. Have a good life as a content creator

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes, it is input that makes me excited because you have changed my paradigm here in creating content. Thank you friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello new friends here.....Can I ask question if you dont mind? Is secret investigative agent too risky? I feel like you are always in danger because of your work. I dont know if im a paranoid or not but thats what I feel..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yes, this is the duty of state law because they have to deal with government and service leaders who violate the rules. For me this is normal, must continue to be in a tense atmosphere. You probably know the image of a policeman and his work. our job is almost the same as them upholding justice. There is a risk that exists and I am used to it because the state security apparatus is also working with us. I hope you recover soon, my friend from your problem. stay strong.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

one more questions where are you from sir? dont answer if its not okay to you I understand. Im.just curious if you are a Filipino or not... thank you so much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

do you have a TG account, let's give it and later we will talk there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah you will see on my articles in the last part

$ 0.00
2 years ago