Intense Mindset

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The development of highly competitive abilities is the basic concept of forming cognitive thinking. hidden talent capacity is a relay rod for developing the power of thought to understand universally factual life. The level of intelligence is obtained from the understanding of learning, life experience, orientation and practice efficiently. the positive morality movement opens the mind to explore the ability in oneself to make high motivation and generate creative ideas to make things useful for oneself and others. Paradigm really determines a person to develop quickly, precisely and purposefully. time management is needed to expand the development of thinking power, a high level of consistency will have a positive effect on deep understanding so that it can make something focus and on target. honing and managing hidden talents is a great opportunity to show an identity that is not owned by others so that intense thoughts will lead life to change.

image by geralt from pixabay

Everyone wants to be successful in life but few people understand the development of right thinking. Everyone has talents and abilities, but because of bad character and lazy nature, talent doesn't develop and life becomes static, so don't complain if your life doesn't change because your mindset is not honed properly. many people often compare their lives with other people with jealousy factors, try to see your personal whether you have changed your way of life with your abilities and talents? Life change comes from you, not from other people. mindset has a broad meaning, from its definition a mindset is a set of assumptions, methods, or ideas held by one or more people or a group of people. Mindset can also be seen as something that emerges from a person's worldview or philosophy of life.

Permanent mindset is a mindset that believes that a person's talents, intelligence, abilities and character are something that has been determined since birth and cannot develop. Assumptions like this are often found in some people because they are only focused on the abilities they have and not to be developed. permanent nature makes life not dynamic and cannot understand space and time so that opportunities and opportunities cannot be optimized, it may be very easy to do but because abilities are permanent, opportunities are just wasted.

A growth mindset is the mindset of someone who has the belief that their basic abilities can be developed through hard work, practice, and talent is just a starting point. this is the dynamic nature of life because opportunities for success will open, abilities and talents will continue to be honed by trying new challenges, continue to learn to understand what strengths are within and practice with actions not words. socialize with natural conditions and forms, accept positive suggestions for motivation to develop abilities that previously existed within themselves.

Human intelligence lies in dynamic thinking patterns with the development of concepts and logic, accuracy in research and sources of life experience by studying in a structured and thorough manner when acting and speaking. the advantage of developing natural talent in oneself is often doing something different from other people's habits, this shows positive things with a change in offensive mindset.

Intellectual prima towards a definite goal. Your life is relative but the level of your mindset will change your career and future intensely.


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We sure have a lot of goals in life. In order to attain them, having the right mindset is a must. Not to mention, we should also try to think of the things we can do more and do better, not just on focusing on what we have as of the moemnt.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

consistency in doing something is the right mindset because to get satisfactory results requires strong motivation. You're right, my friend, we have to set the mindset and not just focus on what we have.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

the concept of logical thinking aims for sure to change life for the better in the future because with the development of stored talent it will make life more creative than before.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

you are right about this, so do with this friend if you feel your life has not changed. the change comes to yourself and does not depend on other people, if your life wants to feel happiness, don't just stand still but you have to move then you will experience change.

$ 0.00
2 years ago