Imagination Wings For Three Months

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picture from pixabay

If I had wings, I would fly along the beautiful ocean, see the blue of the ocean with the chirping of birds of prey, fish, submarine, would surface, see a human being above the ocean, the waves of a cruise ship with its passengers out. a beautiful white face enchanting with an ideal body waving hoping love goes into the deepest heart feel the warm embrace of love making out with the beautiful night view full of stars.

If I had wings I would fly across the white clouds across the vast horizon, see the beautiful blue sky, fly with the plane, watch the wind, the storm, the rain, the black clouds, with lightning rays threatening the pilots and passengers, helpless and innocent, don't want to see the cruelty of the plane crash due to unforeseen circumstances. close to the open horizon with the rays of the sun dispelling the darkness of the world, replacing it with a bright blue sky and white clouds.

If I had wings I would fly across the high sky and wide ocean past islands and national borders to the mysterious friends who have been with me in Read.Cash for 3 months of my struggle, every country where they live is the port of my heart when I have to meet some of my friends who have sponsor and live with me on my wings I fly through the houses and alight to meet them with my family I greet them good morning, afternoon, evening, evening I hope they can accept me and ask me to eat together I may find a soul mate on my journey.

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If I had wings, I flew across the continents of America, Asia, Africa, Europe, I want to give you news about the best blogs. Read.Cash with words, sentences and stories about its goodness, gives us life, spreads the importance of Bitcoin. Cash is a decentralized currency ready to be adopted for everyone. I will anchor every state leader, president, king, prime minister in promoting the digital currency Bitcoin.Cash as a future transaction tool.

If I had wings I would fly and go to the most beautiful places in the world, views of beaches, mountains, hills, valleys, cultural uniqueness, historical heritage with the grip of a cell phone, perpetuating every corner of beauty, combining with writings about the great gift of the universe from the Almighty. .

If I had wings, I was determined to fly from where I live to where the Read.Cash platform is with non-stop flapping of my wings. I will anchor to a mysterious place that has been my idol. I greet with humility, give a warm greeting and say thank you for helping me for 3 years. month of work and forgive me if all this time I have made mistakes.

I'm not an angel but my heart is always trying to be like an angel

I want to be a wingless angel.

$ 3.04
$ 2.89 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ling01
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
+ 4
Sponsors of pajeroz


If I had wings, I'd go far places especially the European to watch live matches. If I had wings, I wouldn't stay in one place, I'd be living and enjoying world tour

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have a deep imagination too if that could happen then your life will feel easy to do something that will support your happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

if you can do this, surely your life will be colorful with life changes, your dedication to work has given the assumption that your love for Read.Cash is very high and I have also felt the goodness of this platform. your imagination is proof of the life of the work you have

$ 0.00
2 years ago

maybe my imagination is excessive but the core of this heart stroke is love for something that must be dedicated in any form because this is proof of what is felt not mere talk, an attitude of sincerity will radiate from words that are meaningful for life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago