I Live Because of Christ's Sacrifice: Happy Good Friday Celebration

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On Friday, April 7, 2023, I celebrate Good Friday with deep feelings in my heart. Today is a very important day for Christians around the world because it commemorates Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

I feel deeply moved and dramatic as I reflect on the meaning of Christ's sacrifice in my life. Even though I don't attend church services, I still feel deep peace and happiness in my heart.

I kept contemplating the meaning of Christ's death on the cross, which is a sign of God's great love and forgiveness. Christ's death gives hope and forgiveness to all mankind, which makes me even more grateful and amazed at the greatness of God.

I also feel inspired by Christ's loving and forgiving attitude. This attitude sets a good example for us to love and forgive others, so that we can live in peace and harmony.

In celebrating this year's Good Friday, I promise to continue to honor Christ's sacrifice by following his teachings and doing good to others. I hope that the spirit of Christ's sacrifice will continue to motivate and inspire me to live a life full of love and forgiveness.

In conclusion, the celebration of Good Friday April 7 2023 provided a deep spiritual experience for me, even though I did not attend church services. I reflect on the meaning of Christ's sacrifice and am inspired by his compassion and forgiveness. May the spirit of Christ's sacrifice continue to inspire and motivate us all to live a life full of compassion and forgiveness.

Greetings Celebrating Good Friday, For Friends who celebrate it. 

Peace Always

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Our life is free from sins as Jesus sacrificed himself to save us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Amen..God Bless you

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hi Pajeroz, if you don't mind, where are you from? I can see how strong you acknowledge the presence of God in your life. God bless you 🙏

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you friends, I'm from Indonesia and where I live is on the island of Sulawesi and the northern tip of Indonesia, close to the Philippines. I hope you also feel God's Love in your life, if you are a Christian.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yup, I'm a Christian too. Roman Catholic to be exact :)

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1 year ago

Ok..Happy Easter

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1 year ago