Getting Rich Is Relative

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Almost every day people think of ways to get interesting and effective solutions with the aim of being able to earn money tomorrow. When a person's brain is working to publish a solution, his head may become sick and dizzy lol, because to think of a difficult way, someone often forces his brain so that the body becomes weak and helpless because the energy transferred to support thinking power in the brain is very high, eventually someone will become weak and sick.

I get confused when I see the way of life of the people in my area. Maybe it irritates me a little when Sunday which is the day of worship at the church is only used for working in the fields. I'm not a pastor or minister who carries out the task of supervising church members so I'm issuing this unpleasant sentence but I actually feel afraid of their actions because the actions they do may make God angry for their actions.

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Maybe their intentions were good because they were going to work in the fields they planted but their actions didn't suit the situation because Sunday was the time for church services. Everyone is indeed given the freedom to choose whether someone will attend the service or not it depends on his own choice because religion does not have a law that regulates a person if he does not follow religious rules.

Perhaps until now there is no religion that will punish its members if they do not follow the teachings that have been made. It's just a matter of belief because in religion a person is given the freedom to choose and if they don't obey the rules of the teachings then they will be dealing with God.

Maybe the question will be, why doesn't religion impose punishment on someone who breaks the rules?

If I were a pastor I might be able to answer this question but honestly I am just a person who wants to obey the teachings and try to carry out the commands taught based on God's words in the Bible. So, I'm just a despicable person who is full of mistakes and sins and wants to seek salvation in the Almighty God.

Getting Rich Is Relative And Not To Be Required

Based on the story above I actually aim to provide a little understanding from my personal view on spirituality because this is related to the topic.

Like the actions of most people in my area who use days without rest. They continue to work to sow, cultivate and reap. So that when they are in the fields 7 days a week, maybe for them this action is great and extraordinary because they have worked and got abundant results from their crops.

But, what about God's view of the actions of these human creations?

The actions they took were actually driven by several things.

  • Competition for better yields of crops than others.

  • Plants planted must be optimal for the way they are managed in order to produce abundant fruit.

  • Often theft occurs when the plants are starting to bear fruit or harvest time is getting closer.

These are some of the things that encourage farmers to spend their time in the fields. But to be honest, the motivating factor above is not the main reason because the main goal is the desire to become rich from abundant harvests. This can no longer be covered up because the reality that is happening in my area for the competition to become a person with a large income is very clear.

The actions they took made me think that maybe God would be angry with them because their actions no longer followed the teachings and put God first, but prioritized growing crops and seeking wealth.

But my thoughts turned out to be wrong because of the fact that when I saw their development, their lives were more advanced and became rich after several times obtaining abundant harvests and getting high market prices so that the crops they planted had changed their lives to become rich people.

I was confused by the reality that happened, I leaned against the wall of my terrace when I was alone and looked up at the black sky full of stars in the sky, in my little heart I asked, is God fair? I pondered for a long time with an expression of uncertainty on my face.

I went into my room and laid my head on the pillow, my eyes were still open and facing the attic, I remembered my mother's advice when I was little she told me that someone who wants to follow God's way has to sacrifice and suffer and remember God never promised someone who would follow in His way will become rich.

My body was lifted up on the bed when the memory of this thought appeared in my brain, in a sitting position I took the Bible and read and it was true that there was no verse that said that following God's way or doing all His commands one will become rich.

I started to smile because the answer I have got and this will be a solid foundation stone when I live my life in this world. The message from my mother has made me believe fully in God because I realized also when I was a child, my mother was a Sunday school teacher.

So, to follow God's way one will be promised salvation and not promised to be rich.

Maybe many people ask, why is it that someone who is close to God does all of His commands, lives an ordinary life or lives a simple life compared to people who know God but don't follow His teachings, they can become rich, even people who don't know God have an abundant life?

We may often distinguish our lives from other people's and become jealous because of their actions that are not pleasing to God but they get abundant wealth from their actions and deeds but remember that to be rich is relative, if you want to be a person who has wealth is abundant, so work and strive.

God never forbids us to be rich people but the problem here is how do we change our lives to be rich, is it in accordance with His teachings or not?

If we try and work to get abundant results according to His commands then we are on the path of Salvation that God has promised us but if we try and work without following His teachings and commands then remember, maybe we have obtained abundant treasures but the path of salvation will be question mark, will we survive? maybe God will take it all into account.

There is no need to be afraid to live this life, whatever our current status and position, there is no need to be jealous, selfish and distinguish our lives from others because whatever we do, whether good or bad things will be taken into account and we will feel happiness. or sorrow according to the deeds we have done.

This story only aims to give advice to all of us who believe in God so that we can better understand and understand God's will. I'm writing this not to offend anyone but to remind you.

I hope this story is useful and may be an advice to all of us, if I have errors in content and writing, I apologize because I am still someone who has limitations.

Thank you and may God bless us all!

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this is an amazing message that you have given my friend, God has indeed given us the freedom to choose and make decisions for us to live this life. the problem of wealth is only an allusion to us when we are in this world, being rich or poor is not really a problem because the most important thing for us is that we are still breathing, what does it mean to get the world's treasures if in the end we will leave everything. wise to make decisions and pray to God that He will provide the best way for us. very good story my friend

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you my friend, you often surprise me. I know you too can understand all the problems that happen in this life. hold on to your commitment to be a person who has a stand in God for sure He will always protect and take care of you. thank you for this support and gift.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone has its own belief and denominations here, so I respect everyone abou that, but when it comes to being workaholic even in Sunday is a different thing, but one thing is for sure, if they really knew who God is in their lives they will also serve them heartily

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I can also understand what you mean my friend and I thank you for this. when we believe and know God's purpose for our lives, we will do all His commandments. because when we do like that then our life will be blessed, obedience and faithfulness is the key.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, you wrote very beautifully. Remembering God, worshiping Him and attending at the church helps us achieve salvation, helps us to be calm, happy, and light-hearted, but it does not guarantee our wealth. God never forbid us to be rich but we should try and work to our path be at his commands.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

high point for you my friend, because you have given all the intent and purpose of this article and I also believe that you are a person who obeys God and does His will, may you always be blessed in all your efforts and work by God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are correct in the actions you mentioned in your article. We must really follow God's way so that we will not be punished.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I do not believe in punishment my friend, I am only convinced that we receive the consequences of our actions for not following God's will but our own.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

everyone is given the opportunity to do all their activities and work but when we do it not according to the teachings and rules then one day we will accept all the consequences. so just do it according to God's commands, maybe right now we are living in difficulties or simple but it's better if we obey His teachings and commands than live rich but violate God's rules and provisions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

God always gives an abundance of eternal blessings to those who follow His ways. The rest is only transient wealth, you will only have it here on this plane and where you should have it you will only have an arid desert.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

thank you my friend, you have provided very useful input and I am sure your insight is very broad on spiritual matters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your comment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have learned that God loves us all with a Father's love. That man will never be able to understand such a love. One thing is what man looks for on earth that will serve him in heaven and another thing is what God has prepared for man that will serve him in heaven. It is up to us what we do on earth that will give us the wealth in heaven. Let's cultivate our wealth for heaven that will be our gain.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree, God gives us the freedom to choose what we will do while we are still breathing on earth and we must use that freedom according to His purpose and will so that when we do all His commandments we will be the ones who enter the kingdom of heaven with the Father who power. thank you my friend, this argument has provided input and learning for me, may God always bless you and your family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humans perspective about going to church are all different. My father didn't attend mass but he truly believes in God and within his heart he praises God because of it's kindness. When I asked my father why he didn't like to go to church, he simply said. "The faith of a person to God cannot be measured by how many times he/she visits the church but it's all about how the person follow and praise God from his Heart with purity. " It is not bad on wanting to be rich as long as we didn't forgot to thank God for all his blessings that was given to us. And your mom is right as well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Right and clear opinion and I really appreciate your input, my friend. sometimes we look at other people just based on what we see but the shape of their heart may be different, there are people who always come to church to attend services but their attitudes and actions are not in accordance with their way of life and as your father said even though he doesn't go to church but his faith and deeds always act according to God's will. we can only follow God's ways and commands and to change our lives only our actions will change it. thanks grey, you're cool.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ako di mahilig mgsimba,di ako religious pero malaki ang paniniwala ko ky God and yung power ng prayers

$ 0.01
2 years ago

even though I don't understand this language but I can analyze the meaning, we must fully hope in God through the way we pray because when we ask God then He will give us strength and ability to live this life. Thank you my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh I'm sorry I thought you are a Filipino sir. What I mean is I don't usually go to church and I am not really religious but I believe in God and the power of prayers.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

thanks again I'm glad to meet you, greetings to you my friend. when we believe in God with His power, our lives will always be protected because when we pray, God's power will become manifest in our lives. keep believing in him my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome my friend. Yes believing him always makes me feel I am safe

$ 0.00
2 years ago