Even Though The Heart Is Not As Beautiful As The Light Of The Sun

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I walked down the valley with my head down, eyes kept on the road but heart lifted above the clouds. The world feels more and more narrow when the heart feels a violent collision. It turns out that life has absolute limitations that cannot be added with knowledge and change it permanently, naturally I live between the two sides of past and present life. Many people say that no matter how bad your past can be changed by the actions of the present but my realization has made me almost fall that not all dark times can be changed by my own way. The world seemed to warn me that I would not be able to continue living.

me and the sun

It's not easy to get through the gloomy times because maybe this is destiny for me to live. I looked sideways and left the world seemed to stop and no longer change to make a beautiful rainbow. There is no more hope, no more dreams and no more ideals as if everything has been lost by time. I came into the world like an object that has become trash and useless, what's the use of expensive things if they don't give meaning to life? free, useless and useless these words have enveloped my heart. Everything has felt empty and there is no longer a lamp that will lead me to a bright path. The heart cannot guess when to cry and be happy, the day continues to change but the head is still bowed to the sun that continues to shine shining in a heart that is not happy.


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Another beautiful writing from you. I enjoyed reading it. In my opinion, life with all its hardships and sorrows is still worth living and experiencing unknown things.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

thank you friends, sometimes inspiration comes when experiencing sadness and difficulties.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bro, take it easy because life is not always fair. A lot us are passing through challenges of life on daily basis but we mustn't kill ourselves. Let's keep hope alive and most importantly, adjust to happiness no matter what

$ 0.01
2 years ago

good friends, trying to understand life sometimes makes us paralyzed and helpless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes we really felt that hope was gone, however our life continues. Our hearts beats normally and that was one of the indication that we should remain fighting. It ain't yet the end of our battle.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

the uplifting phrase "life is not over" i like that friend and it's true we have to fight.

$ 0.00
2 years ago