Teenage Pregnancy

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2 years ago

Above the blues, life is a gift from the Creator, and it must be appreciated and treasured at all times. A baby is also a gift from God; a baby is the center of a family; a baby is as valuable as diamonds to a mother; a baby is a seed that will develop and spread positivity; a baby needs love, care, and a healthy existence; nevertheless, what if the baby arrives too soon? Yes, I'm referring to a pressing issue in our country/society: teenage pregnancy.

It is the pregnancy of a woman who is 19 years old or younger that is fairly prevalent in today’s society. If a woman has vaginal sex with a guy at any age, she can become pregnant after having regular monthly periods. Those young female youths might be seen seeking assistance and battling for their lives in this environment. When the infant is born, judgments will always be their first food; instead of support and affection from family, friends, and others, this cruel world will drag them down into the lowest wells.

First, ponder this: yes, it is a gift from God, but what if the kid develops ailments as a result of his or her poor health? Yes, it is as valuable as diamonds, but what if it might be lost at any point due to your carelessness? Yes, it is a seed that will grow, but what if other variables, such as a shortage of nutrients for long-term survival, impact its development? Yes, newborns are stars, but what if the earlier he or she is born, the earlier their lights will be dimmed since the mother is unable to deliver a child because he is only a teenager?

There are two sides to the coin: the head and the tail. There are two sides to this story. If a baby is about to bring light to a family, he or she will provide happiness to the parents, who will describe it as a gift from God to be treasured. However, there is another side to the coin; if you are extremely young and have just become a mother, your life will change dramatically.

You'll be in charge of cooking, changing his/her clothes, bathing, and washing his/her clothes, among other things, but what more if you're a teenager? How will you manage your academic life while juggling the demands of motherhood? See how difficult it is? Your time will be divided into various obligations, such as charging diapers here, writing assignments there, cooking food here, and making projects there. There will be many challenges to overcome so think intelligently and examine all factors in life. Are you ready to have a child? Tornadoes and hurricanes will test you, and you will fall, just as there will be storms to overcome when having a child. Are you all set?

My point is that if you're not prepared to face the consequences, why put yourself in that situation? You are only teenagers, so you can't guarantee that you will be able to bear a child. You are not physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially prepared to be a teenage mother, so always think before you act.

Teenage pregnancy cases are on the rise, and it's concerning that our school is experiencing them as well. This issue must be addressed in order to reduce the number of teenage pregnancy cases. Fortunately, our local government is holding seminars to address this issue, and student leaders are also assisting, but is this enough?

To reach a goal, we must work together. We do not want additional teenagers to get involved in this type of situation; it is quite important these days, and teenagers are extremely vulnerable. Prevent this from happening before the future's hope is shattered in this chaotic world; plan now before things worsen.

Young people are already struggling; would you like to witness how they cope with life's uncertainties? How many more teenagers are going to get involved? Will you be a victim or will you provide a helping hand to the helpless teenagers?

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2 years ago


Plan. Respond. Save

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