My answer to Lucas post

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Written by
3 years ago

I wrote this first as a comment but got long so I am posting it as a separate post.

I know Lucas from and I have already told him he is my favourite Anarchist. Note, I hate anarchists, although I was one of them when I was young.

Here's his post:

I really understand what you are saying Lucas and have been dealing with depression for many years.

But, on the other hand most people don't care what homosexual men and women do in their bed. They are fine with that and no problem at all. The problem is when you see Gay prides and similar parades celebrating "love". Yet it's all about sex on those parades, not love.

Noy to mention that multiple studies have shown that most homosexuals prefer one night stands and not serious relationships.

On the other hand, the same people who complain about their mental state and psychological problems etc. are the ones saying that we should allow even children to make the choice of changing gender at such a young age. And there are dozens of examples of people who regretted later.

And more and more are added every day. Now they say there are 100+ plus genders (others claim to be an unlimited number of genders) and we are now supposed to be careful when we say he/she and pronouns in general.

Don't they understand how ridiculous this sounds to "normal" people? Here's a post I saw today. And I can post many more but let's keep it short. So, yes society should understand how transsexuals, gays, lesbians etc think and their struggle. But these people should also understand how society thinks.

I am sure we can find a middle way. And although some people complain about repression in the West, don't forget that the West allowed them to come out and protects their rights etc.

All over the world people are tortured and killed for their sexual preferences. We have come a long way and perhaps many can be done, but there should be a limit at some point.

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Written by
3 years ago


Why must there be some arbitrary line at which social progress stops? Society is constantly evolving as the relationship between individuals change. I find it very funny when people say that the west allowed us some special cultural advantage in social progress, while they contribute to the same propaganda machine which is so powerful in the west.

The arguments you bring up are common misconceptions and outright falsehoods perpetuated for decades by various politically motivated groups. Nobody supports allowing children to get any kind of reassignment or other treatments that could lead to permanent harm. Gay people aren't out in the streets getting naked and shoving their sexuality in anyone's faces.

Gender is a complex set of social cues and behaviors we learn as we grow up from the people around us and how they treat us. Non-binary and transgender people have existed in cultures in many forms for thousands of years.

I don't care about 100 genders or whatever, these things are so silly and tiny, there could be a million genders, and it would not impact me at all. I don't think you should have to tip-toe around people all the time. Furthermore, I don't believe kids should be given sexual reassignment surgery or otherwise encouraged to permanently change themselves, just like I wouldn't support a child drinking alcohol.

These are all circumstantial or anecdotal points, and my problem is while we are focusing on debunking all the nonsense, more people are killing themselves. Every time I see these internet dark web idiots getting up on stage to talk about how the trans elites are oppressing them, I want to get up and punch the rich, privileged idiot in his stupid face. What a joke, what a waste of time. We could be helping people, but instead we sit here and debate whether they actually need help or whether the form of help they're asking for is something you agree with or not.

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3 years ago

Because people don't like change. In all human history, people resisted change. I'm not saying that there should be a line, but a balance. And the chance must come gradually.

Now about the West, it's a perfect society of course and has many problems. But do you doubt that certain liberties you take for granted, came from the West and also pushed other countries to do so.

Have you seen what happened in Turkey or Russia recently for example? Or have you seen what happens to LGBT people in Islamic countries?

You say you don't care about 100 genders etc. But the average guy is bombarded every day with these news articles and finding them totally ridiculous. So whether someone cares about it or not, it is affecting people. On both sides.

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3 years ago