Types of personality in psychology

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3 years ago

Personality in Psychology

Definition of personality in psychology Psychology is a scientific study of human behavior, and its compatibility with the surrounding environment, [2] and the word personality (in English: Personality), derived from the Latin word (Persona), means the mask that was worn by the representatives of the Greeks on their faces; While acting on stage, based on the concept of the mask, it was believed that the character was the effect that the person wearing the mask had on the spectators.

Many researches have been conducted regarding the subject of personality, but no final conclusions have been reached regarding the nature of the personality. This is because the human personality is a complex phenomenon to the extent that it can be defined in different ways. The personality has been defined in different ways by psychologists who have been busy studying personality, and the variables that affect its development.

Personality types and characteristics in psychology

In psychology, personality types differ in their characteristics from each other, and these personalities are:

  • The introverted personality: The person with this personality is willingly isolated from those around him. Where he lives in his own world, does not establish relationships with others, does not adapt to his surrounding reality, and psychologists say: An introverted person may succeed in several areas, especially areas that need calm, emptiness, and isolation.

  • Compulsive personality: the person is unable to express his feelings, and if he expresses his feelings, he will be very conservative and rigid, so others understand him as arrogant and conceited. Therefore, his friendships are few, and he is a person who loves commitment, hates chaos, loves work and strives in it, but he faces a problem in making decisions, and he is a very frank person, who is not good at refining phrases and courtesy, does not give his confidence to anyone easily, and does not withdraw it easily either, and psychologists say : This person is anxious and tense, and he may suffer from some diseases, such as: migraine, irritable bowel, and stomach pain.

  • Psychopathic personality: This person is dependent on his desires and ambitions, and he may allow the face from the outside, but he lacks feelings and feelings internally. He does not compromise and does not sacrifice for the sake of anyone.

  • ysterical personality: A hysterical person is a very selfish person, miserly, loves to seize everything, is irritable for trivial reasons, his temper is sharp and volatile, and psychologists say: The hysterical personality is different from the disease of hysteria.

  • Dependent personality: The person who depends on others in everything, is unable to make a decision, is afraid to take responsibility, is not confident in himself, and lacks an initiative and experience.

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