What Does The Bible Say About Serving In The Military?

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3 years ago
Topics: Religion, Thoughts, Blog, Nigeria, Writing, ...

This post was made about this awesome post. Find the link ​here.​​​

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The major purpose of the military is to protect the lives and properties of the serving nation. Their loyalty lies with the lives and properties of the serving nation which is why the Bible enjoined us to be contented with our wages.

Most people have the impression that being in a military means you are signed up to be a killer. The military is never a death sentence too. We need to take our focus away from the myopic way of thinking as the Bible clearly pointed out that wisdom is indeed profitable.

Our motives matter. The motive of any military personnel should be to protect the lives and properties of the serving nation. A snake has its own defence mechanism as with most creatures too. The military is our own defence mechanism as humans.

The Bible never stopped us from joining the military, we are only enjoined to be fair and do our purpose - to protect. Don't provoke violence but protect others. The military is not an avenue to oppress others but to protect and to protect might include taking the lives of the so-called enemies (if need be) that want to threaten the peace of those you have sworn to protect 

Luke 3:14 (NIV)

Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.”

This Post First Appeared Here.​​​

Thank you for your time.

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Still me,

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Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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3 years ago
Topics: Religion, Thoughts, Blog, Nigeria, Writing, ...



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