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Life doesn't make sense sometimes
Just when you have mastered an aspect
Something happens to mess up with what you thought you know
The truth is, life doesn't have to make sense
You don't need to live also in the past tense
Life might and won't always make sense
We don't always wait for it to make sense
Making sense is relative too and depends on you
What makes sense to you and what are your goals?
We don't wait for the perfect moment
We make imperfect moment, perfect
Life is a function of the efforts we sometimes put in
Whatever you want to do or you are doing
Learn to do them afraid
Because there is never a perfect moment
There might never be a perfect comment
Neither would life make sense before we dare
Learn to do life as it comes, with your dreams intact
Courage is not the absence of fear
But the presence of fear, yet the will goes on
This Post First Appeared Here.
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.