Some Learnings From My Driving | Right Attitude at the Right Place

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3 years ago



Okay, this has got to be one of the most interesting articles that I have written. I had been thinking about it for some time, and it only made sense to put pen to paper. Of course, the thoughts revolve around ways to improve me, and I hope you have some learnings too. 

The incident which made me get thinking about driving and my general nature otherwise were based on the events on Friday, 12th February 2021. It was not the first time it happened. Nonetheless, it was a bit mellowed down version of me. What happened is not unfamiliar territory for most drivers, and you will be able to relate as I speak of it.

So, let’s get on with the topic at hand. 


Background to My Driving Saga


While driving back home the other day, I realized that I let my ego get the better of me at one point. There was this one guy who was constantly honking and zig-zagging on the road. Now, usually, I should have just let it pass, but I did not. I had a car that I knew was faster than the other guy, and I drove it like no tomorrow. Soon, the guy was just a speck of dust on my rear-view mirror. Well, all is well that ends well. Or is it?

You see, while I did have the last laugh, it made me feel silly about myself. I did not even know who the other driver was, nor would I be seeing him ever again. So, what point did I prove? Nothing. The worst part is that something could have gone wrong on the road and unnecessarily people could have got injured. The only takeaway was that when posed with a challenge, I rise to the occasion. Here I was lucky to have a better-powered car, but yes, I did get competing. And that brings me to the second point. 



How Am I Usually?


As a person, outside of driving, I am a guy who avoids conflict. If presented with a scene where I am in the middle of an altercation, rest assured I would be out of it amicably. I like to compete but not to the extent of making it overtly visible. I like to keep it low. This is the exact opposite of how I am on the road.

All of these characteristics of mine are totally the opposite of me when I am driving. While I am driving, I am in a beast mode (some times). Interestingly, I keep hoping to be of that nature in areas of my life other than driving. Now, that brings me to the next point. 

I Already Have the Qualities I Seek


It is just odd that I was hoping to be docile while driving and on beast mode when going on with my life. By life I mean, work, home, family, friends, and most importantly, God. I can be on beast mode with life and fulfill my duties towards each of the mentioned areas. Mind you, when I say beast mode, I do not mean ego. Ego defeats the purpose of staying passionate about something. By beast mode, I mean the belief which allows me to go forth with enough and more courage to do something with absolute confidence. With conviction and faith, I would motor on with unprecedented power, which would allow me to go ahead of anyone and everyone. That is the mindset and behavior I intend to take from my driving. 

On the other hand, while driving, I intend to remember that everyone's best interest is that I stayed responsible. I have to be docile and look for an amicable solution when presented with a competing scenario. When somebody honks or cuts my lane, my job is to back off and not create a ruckus with a kiddish behavior. Most importantly, I have to remember that driving is a *privilege* and not a *right.* When I understand this, it would be relatively easy for me to flip that switch and reorient my behavior to the situation at hand.

Also, it is not a binary function that if I use the beast mode in my personal life and docile manner while driving, I cannot share other behavioral traits between them. What I mean is, I can still be docile when in the beast mode. After all, the continuum of emotions is what makes us human. All that I intend to do is remove that one behavior that is detrimental to the job at hand. So, remove the competitive mode from driving and the subdued mode from my everyday life. That’s all I wish to get done.

So Remove the Undesired Trait and Reorient


Both the skills that I was yearning for was always inside me. They were only coming to the fore in the wrong places. Since I know that the attitude and mentality are already there, I have to anchor thoughts accurately. Once that happens, then the desired behavior will show up where I need it the most. And that would certainly make me a better person.

And guess what, since the behavior and attitude are already there, relearning would be far more accessible than learning anew! 




Image Courtesy: AbsolutVision


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3 years ago
