Pessimism Saps Energy: Takes The Joy Out Of Life

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3 years ago


Some time back, I had written about the 22-Level Emotion scale that Esther and Jerry Hicks had shared in their book “Ask and It Is Given”. Pessimism is one of the first negative emotions that leads a person to spiral down the vicious cycle of anger, hatred, and other unnecessary and absolutely useless emotions.

Once in the grasp of pessimism, a person risks spoiling his day. A couple of days to a week will make the person irritated and angry all the time. Prolonged exposure to being pessimists risks the person becoming vitriolic towards others or himself; the latter may end up in despair and depression. None of these are favorable or happy conditions.

But the good news is that you only need to identify the time of entering boredom or pessimism. If identified effectively, we can come out of it and move towards some constructive thoughts and feelings.

Pessimism – The Gateway to Energy Drain

Everybody knows the proverbial “glass-half-empty” analogy to identify a pessimist from an optimist. While identifying is just ten percent of the equation, the larger question is what to do when you are in the grip of pessimism? But before that, why is pessimism so bad?

To answer that, we need to ask ourselves about our feelings during the time of being pessimist. In general, we aren’t looking forward to good things, we are scared of the future, and we feel that everything and everyone out there is ready to get us. Can you relate? If you do, you also know that you allow circumstances to dictate terms rather than you knowing that you are in control in such situations.

If it is not already bad enough to give circumstances power over you, you further intensify the situation by thinking that those circumstances would only be bad. Isn’t that the case? Both the thoughts, “circumstances have power over you” and “things will not work out,” are negative enough on their own, but when put together, they can be quite destructive. Can you imagine the feeling? You would feel powerless, insecure, frightened, worried, and all host of other emotions of no use.

In such situations, you would be less than optimal in your work and responsibilities. You would not trust anybody, including God. You will feel like a victim. You will that everyone is conspiring against you, and things will only grow worse. Now, you understand why getting into a tango with pessimism will only degrade your emotional state, followed by health and your life in general.

So, what do you do?

Reach for A Better Feeling

As Esther and Jerry Hicks keep pointing out in their various books, the idea is to reach for a better feeling. Once you are aware that you are in a pessimistic state of mind, you got to find a better feeling that returns your power to you. How do you know that you are in a pessimistic mood? Well, you will experience all the thoughts and feelings we discussed in the previous section.

Once you are aware, you only need to get to thoughts which restore your power. It is easy to say that go for happy thoughts, but let’s be honest, when you are in a state of powerlessness, happy thoughts are far from possible. The idea is to get to thoughts that are better than your current one, which, in this case, is pessimism. The closest that you can think of is contentment.

Before we discuss moving up the emotional scale, here are the 22 – Levels of Emotion shared in Esther and Jerry Hicks’ books.

Law of Attraction and 22-Levels of Emotions

You can look at the above article to get a sense of the emotional scale. Coming back to our discussion, when we are in a pessimistic mood, go for contentment. Now, contentment, in my opinion, is the easiest of emotions to approach. All you have to do is look at things you already have and keep calling out things you are blessed with. To add more spice to the feeling matrix, start thanking God or the universe or any Higher Being you believe in for the things you have. Do it for two to five minutes, and you will start feeling better.

You start to move up and feel content with the blessings you already have. Attempt to stay in that state, and you will find more reasons to feel content. And that’s it. You have moved up. The best part is that you don’t have to stop there. If you are reaching for hopefulness or optimism, then go for it. Reach for as high up as you can. Why stay at the borderline? 😊

The outcome of the exercise is an improved feeling in you. You will feel in control once again and do the things that you have to do. You will find some level of joy as you reach for better emotions. Your productivity and efficiency improve. A sense of relaxation seeps in, and you feel better about your surroundings. And that’s what enables you to do more and be more. That’s the mantra.

Keep Looking Up and Reaching Up

I hope readers got a sense of the adverse effect that our pessimistic mood has over us. Ensure that you are aware of the emotion you are operating at and keep moving up to happiness. It is not worth staying in pessimism and dropping down on the emotional scale.

So, keep looking up and keep moving up. In hindsight, those that believe in God, isn’t that what you do? Keep looking up!! 😊


Image Courtesy: Geralt at Pixabay


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Written by
3 years ago


We own our feelings or emotions. We ourselves are responsible for what we feel at some point. In my church I always heard: "don't let anything or anyone take away your peace". It's true, if I allow something to bother me it will immediately take my peace away and I won't be able to feel good for long. and that discomfort will take away my energy to remain at peace.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

So true @gertu13! The most important thing would be our peace. Have it and you have everything.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree!!

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3 years ago