Brave - the browser we can trust. secure. private. fast. rewards.

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3 years ago

Do you know Brave already? While exploring the world of blockchains, cryptocurrencies and other related stuff I quickly tumbled across Brave.

My browser history is like nearly everyone else I know. It started with Internet-Explorer, memes started to evolve, Chrome was the non plus ultra. It still is the most used browser in the world - but what if I could tell you that you can use a browser which is faster, more secure, more private and you can earn money while using it - even if its not regular.

Thats the concept of Brave.


The built-in BraveShield blocks Ads for you and blocks tracking traffic as well. This leads to a better browsing experience while saving data, hence making everything faster. You might asking yourself now: How you can I support my favorite websites then? Well there is an easy solution called auto-contribute. There you can support your favorite websites automatically.


But there is another way as well, you can support websites or even youtubers by clicking the brave-reward icon and tipping an amount.

The Ads you see while browsing are private - no personal data is sent to the advertiser. You can change the ads/hour to control your income. The best feature in my eyes is that the ads are very discrete, sometimes its the background of your new tab, sometimes a notification on windows - im perfectly fine with this. 

The built-in Tor-browser is a great idea in my opinion. You dont have to switch browsers to connect into the onion network and you need 0 technical knowledge to browse 100% private.

There is also a new beta feature available now - braves own search engine. In future you should earn extra rewards while using the brave search engine too.


  • Its faster than other browser, thanks to the inbuilt BraveShield (AD and tracking block),

  • it can be very secure because you can access the TOR Network with brave as well

  • its private due to the fact that your data isnt sent to advertisers or pages out there

  • On top it features a reward system - actually paying you 70% of ad revenues.

All in all I have to say that im very satisfied with Braves unique features and the earnings arent bad too. With one mobilephone and two desktops I got 1,78 BAT in just under 2 weeks, which is 1,50$ currently.


 best wishes ntz410 from germany

 PS: I had CryptoTab running quite a while now but came to the conclusion that its not worth the time and "effort". You maybe gain, if the conditions are great, 1¢ per day. Thats not worth for effectively stressing your CPU and RAM while heating up your room to sauna temperatures in summer. Not my choice of gaining a passiv income. Also those browsers are not the trustworthiest in my eyes.

check my publish0x out:

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3 years ago
