I can assure you that crypto will go mainstream a 100%

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1 year ago
Topics: BTC

Once I start seeing universities teaching crypto and blockchain related courses is when I can assure you that crypto will go mainstream a

Crypto has use cases, and teach crypto to the young, up and coming working class will most definitely make them integrate these use cases later on when they’re full integrated into the working force.

We can already see some examples of some of these universities like MIT and UBC iit which already have blockchain technology courses that can be accessed online.

Other crypto projects are also bridging the gap with some like BitDAO funding autonomous entities like EduDAO which in return helps tech students become Web3 builders fully integrated into the blockchain world.

And while this is all great to see, it is still something that’s somewhat niche and not many are projects and universities are hopping onto.

But believe me, if crypto and blockchain become normalized with the you youngsters and becomes familiar to them, crypto would go mainstream in no time. This would lead to crypto being integrated into our everyday life as these students apply the use cases they learned about in university.

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