There was a prediction about world ending in the year 2012 of the Gregorian calendar because of the apparent end of the Mayan calendar.
Obviously that didn't happen because I am writing this article and you are reading it in 2021. While the world hasn't ended in the normal sense the current degradation of the quality of life and the general situation of the world is more than just bad.
The pandemic that plagued the world in 2020 is not just the only event and the year 2020 is not the isolated year. Things that gone from bad to worse over the years and while it may be a long time frame for us human, to the universe it is but a fraction of a passing moments.
The cyclones, the wild fires, the deadly earthquakes, situation in Syria & South Sudan as a testament to the bad times we are living in.
Some people think that we have calculated the 2012 date wrong as it fail to take into account the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian one
Even the year 2020 went and the world is still here, still some may consider the date to be in the year 2021.
Some are even posting on social media how it should come and be over with, some even joke that they wouldn't have to go to office anymore.
And here lies the true problem, no not the attitude of the people, but a world where people would even think such things.
Obviously, this is not a new phenomenon; people have been pessimist for a long time and there are place and country that have it far worse than some.
The culture of office work and the degradation of human life
The situation with pandemic should have brought humanity together in compassion and corporation, however humans by nature are not harmonious. We saw a massive wave of job loss, wage cutting and long hours. Some corporations were indeed hit hard by the pandemic lockdowns as it affected their business activities. Still some not only survived but thrived in this situation and yet found the pandemic to reduce wages and fire a significant portion of their employees and forcing the remaining portion to do extra work for inhumane hours.
All this while bagging huge profits, furthermore it is well known fact that the wealth gap has widen during the pandemic with rich becoming more rich and poor becoming more poor. This is no saintly endeavor and can take place through exploitation of the masses, which large companies have been easily able to do when the situation of uncertainty forces people to accept the little handouts they get.
Corporations have been able to exploit the working class like this my creating an environment where jobs are scarce and in unison are denying hiring of new people while cutting pay and increasing hours. Creating a loop like that of the circles of hell trapping an ordinary person in an unending cycle of exploitation.
Corruption of politics and the support of the masses
What is the worse of this situation is the fact the degradation of the political sphere with the election of bad actors across the world and the consolidation of power by communist dictators.
In a double whammy situation the politics have seen a spiral downwards that to with the support of the people, with events that would have been frowned upon in normal times taking place.
And people either supporting this spiral of madness towards the 7th circle of hell or being nonchalant at the current events, in sort of mass hysteria gripping the human civilization in a unholy grip of madness and decay of morals and understanding of the human obligation and decency.
(I do not list any politician or country of event because the idea encompasses every political agency and not one section, listing one thing will take for of a debate for and against that particular section)
Dystopia is already here
We are living in a dystopia where only a few people can corner all the wealth by exploiting the masses and an average person has to keep on continuing with this situation due to his situation and responsibilities. To pay his ever increasing bills and prices of basic food prices and to take care of the loved ones.
The disaster hasn't been as spectacular as the movies but it has silently creeped into the human society and left a dystopia that we are living in today.
You deserve more views. Your article is outstanding. Yes, there has been a problem, unending to some extent, about corrupt politicians. And that is something that should stop now. But it takes a lot of things for it to be possible.