My best Extensions for Brave Browser.

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Avatar for noBeans
3 years ago

First of all if for some reason you don't know about Brave browser, you need to download it. Not only it rewards you for watching its privacy respecting ads, it also is a very robust browser that has all the features that you can expect from a world class browser. Another thing to note here is that it has Brendan Eich behind it. The same guy who created Javascript and co-founded the Mozilla Foundation, the same Mozilla which is behind Firefox browser.

I have been using Brave for quite some time now and in doing so have came across several extensions that just makes life so much easier and convenient for me. Here are some of them that i believe will do the same for you.

1. The Great Suspender

With more than a million users and an almost 4.5 rating this extension does exactly what it says. It suspends all your other tabs at certain time intervals. It is a perfect tool for those that likes to keep multiple tabs open but does not want it to consume your PC resources or slow your PC down. This extension will suspend any tabs that have not been used for a length of time thus freeing up your computers memory and enabling you to browse lag free.

2. Forest

I have been using Forest on my iPhone for quite some time now and it was a no brainer for me to install it on Brave as well. Forest allows you to stick to your work and focus on the task at hand. Open Forest and plant a seed and after 30 minutes it turns into a tree but if you browse any of your blacklisted websites your tree will wither and die. This way the extension allows you to focus on your work, plus watching your seed grow into a tree gives you a unique sense of achievement. 

3. OneTab

This is another tab management extension that frees the clutter on your browser thus saving your PC resources and providing lag free browsing. OneTab condenses all your open tabs into one single list. From there you can open any tab that you want to or all. 

4. Checker Plus for Gmail.

This extension lets you check your mails without without opening gmail. You can compose, edit, send mails, manage multiple account. A very time saving and convenient option that let you perform all essential mail activities.

5. Hover Zoom GOLD

This one is super useful for Reddit users. As soon as you hover your mouse over an image this extension will zoom the image. This way you can check out the post even without opening it. Super convenient.

6.Dark Reader

Dark reader basically gives you the option to enable dark mode for all websites. It also allows you to tinker with settings like brightness contrast and fonts. 

7. Grammarly

Allows you to eliminate your spell errors, grammar errors. If you do a lot of writing this is a must for you as it scans for any error in spellings and grammar as you write. I have been using it for a long time now and would recommend it to all. They also send you reports on how much errors you have eliminated and other personalized writing details.

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Avatar for noBeans
3 years ago


Nice, Great suspender is gold! thanks

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User's avatar ffp
3 years ago