What kind of mystery?

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3 years ago

My father arranged my marriage with a black girl. I used to hate her whenever I saw her.

The girl's name is 'Pari'. There is a common saying in our regional language, 'Shaal nai kuttar aur bagha naam'. A human being can never be compared to any other animal. Because, human beings are the best creatures of creation. '

There is no one in this world of fairies. My father died before I was born. And my mother died nine months after birth due to a complex disease. The man was born to my uncle. The fairy's mother's name was Aleya Khatun. Boiling, drying, shaking, smoking dishes, cleaning the house were all done. '

Aleya Khatun, the mother of the fairy, was born in a very low-income family. Her father worked as a day laborer. She worked in the sun and rain soaked in the rain. The family lived on what she got.

As soon as the girl grows up, the day laborer's father Ramiz Mia is struck by lightning. He has grown old, his body does not have much energy capacity. If he works one day, he has to sit the next day. It is a matter of cost. Besides, nowadays marriage is not possible without dowry. What will he do? He can't sleep thinking. '

Aleya got married to Sabuj, the van driver of the next village. Due to the departure of her parents, brothers and sisters, a storm of sorrow arose in Aleya's mind. I say sadly, it is very cloudy. Happiness is never permanent in human life.

At the end of seven and a half months of marriage, Aleya's husband died in a terrible road accident. She was two months pregnant then. It can happen. '

Aleya could not understand what she was going to do. It is not possible for her to go back to her father's house. Besides, there is no one here who will feed her twice a day. She went to work and started working. But she could not get up for a long time. In the meantime, seven months of her pregnancy have passed. Far from working in such a situation, it is very difficult for her to walk even two steps.

My uncle is a very soft-hearted man again. He can't bear the suffering of helpless people. Seeing his miserable condition, his heart bursts into tears. He took the responsibility of taking care of Aleya by his own will. '

After the death of my uncle, we could not persuade him to remarry even though we insisted on it. According to him, the marriage of girls is one and the same. .

Aleya's daughter has a child, but it looks a little black. That's why black girls are also fairies to their mother. So Aleya has a hobby name, fairy. Black fairy. So if someone says black, the word fairy has to be added. '

After Aleya's death, she left the fairy with her uncle. Where will she leave the nine-month-old baby? Besides, her uncle has no children. So, she has taken care of the fairy like her own daughter with love and affection. She has also studied till matriculation. '

My uncle is now on his death bed. He called my father and said, 'He wants to write off all his property in the name of the fairy. And he wants to die in peace by marrying the fairy. I didn't want to leave. So my marriage with the fairy was finalized. '

Even though I married the fairy under the pressure of the family, I could not accept it from my heart. I did not want to look at her even if I slept in a bed. I always felt that there was a shadow lying beside me.

It has become my duty to marry her and leave my house. When my friends see me, they say, 'How come Alam? In the end, I hung an ugly black girl in the car for the sake of money. I felt very bad when I heard their sharp words. I was very angry again. All the anger would come and I would throw it on the fairy. Sometimes I would put my hand on the body for no reason. He understood everything and tolerated it. He didn't say anything. He didn't protest. Maybe he assumed that this is the fate of black girls. '

The fairy is good in everything except the color of her skin. Her temperament, character, manners, usage are very good. She does all the housework and alone. She takes care of everyone. In just a few days she has won the hearts of everyone except me. Of course I am very careful of everyone. He is trying to win my heart. But I don't pay attention to all this. I didn't buy the bangle.

Sometimes I would notice that the girl would get out of bed in the morning. Tahajjud prayers would be offered. Her wailing and crying would be heard in the prayers. She would complain to Allah in a vague voice.

I have heard that if a servant prays Tahajjud and raises his hand in the court of Allah and sheds two tears, he will never shed a tear. Maybe this is his result. '

Suddenly my mind becomes soft. The idea comes to mind, what I am doing is completely wrong. People cannot be considered with the color of their skin. Because, God's creation is all beautiful and man is the best creature of creation. '

I feel remorse. I have given so much trouble to a person with a real beautiful mind after being fascinated by external beauty. '

The remorse in my mind gradually gives birth to love for the fairy. I have unknowingly fallen in love with the black fairy. I promise I will never let any pain burn on her body.

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Written by
3 years ago


Ohh great story

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3 years ago

Wow.. wonderful writing 💖💖💖

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3 years ago