How much you are rich?..

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Avatar for nimra125
2 years ago

Yes, its possible to know how much anyone rich, your family, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends, neighbours and even your hosts and also even strangers how meet you 2 hours ago and you have a little conversation with them. Its surprising but it is happening on this world's planet earth. All of you are thinking now what i am saying? Is she crazy? How can we know about anyone? That how much anyone have wealth? So the surprise is over.....

Now i tell you very briefly how we can find out that our neighbours have how much wealth!

So, now the time after COVID-19 and world economy is in loss. The time of pandemic was very hard for everyone. The most highlighted problems are depression, poverty and economic loss. After economic loss in lockdown period, people goes to their jobs, and work started from zero point. So inflation is increasing day by day, middle class comes to lower middle class and lower middle class people comes to poverty line and poor people goes to beneath the poverty line. Inflation is increasing day by day in all over the world. This may be increase further in coming future time. This is another level of topic i know but it have strong relation to my topic.

During pandemic all type of industries, trade, tourism, textile, resturants and each type of business goes to loss except agriculture industry. It faces loss but on small scale as compare to other types of industry. The economy of any country based on middle class of country if they are well country also will be well.

The major duty of man for that he works day and night is food. He work hard because he want to live a good life eat good food and makes his family happy. So the main need of man is food always.

In our country we eat bread of wheat flour 3 times with meat, vegetables and lentils etc in 24 hours. Sometime we use rice, macronies etc in place of bread. We also use the flour of maize seeds sometimes but its not traditional in our area. I belongs to a feudal family and we have many fields where we grow wheat crop and maize crop in a year in two different seasons.

In last month, April we cutt our wheat crop. We are Muslims so we have fast in day and we cannot cut wheat during day with fast so we cut crop in moon nights for first time. It was very surprising, interesting and strange experience for us. Then we cut 3 fields in 5 nights and then we harvest our wheat crop and we got 480kg wheat grains. And rest of wheat crop is used as fooder for our animals that are cows and goats. These 480kg grains are more than enough for us for whole year till next crop of wheat in next year. And now we are storing these grains in a large iron pot.

According to analysts and critics in coming few years, the man how have a wide bank balance, buildings, businesses, properties, insurances and cars will not be rich. Only that man will be rich how have food for the whole year. So by this point of view i am too much rich🤗 because we will grow wheat and vegetables in next years as my forefathers do this work in their times.

So if you have your own fields in your village, countryside areas etc. you should grow crops and vegetables and become rich just like me 😊.

I hope after reading this blog, you are also able to know how much you and anyone specially your neighbours are rich? Because neighbour's wealth is more important😎. The reason behind is aromatic fragrances of their cooked items brings water in your mouth. You are always curoius about thier food. What they eat today? Wao the smell is so yummy! 😜

Hope you like it guys! Stay tuned with me.☺☺

$ 0.05
$ 0.03 from @akagaminoDneloy
$ 0.02 from @Roojoroojay
Avatar for nimra125
2 years ago


Just growing crops and plants doesn't make rich. But it does make someone to live with freedom. I'd say it's become mediocre person

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have your own point of view. But it would help to up the lower community.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true.. Lil by lil create everything

$ 0.00
2 years ago