"Madiskarte" Filipinos Weapon in times of Pandemic.

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3 years ago

Filipinos are known to be a "Madiskarte" or being resourceful in whatever trial that may come their way. We Filipinos are very efficient, we have this kind of ability to do things on our own way, without asking help from others people. We better do our own way to survive than asking help and be rejected in the end. And that is one of the things I can be proud of as a Filipino. I could be strategic in any way for myself and especially for my family.

In this time of pandemic, Filipinos strategy is even more tested. We know that since this Pandemic came many have suffered more because many have lost their jobs. In my own experience it was really hard at the beginning, I feel like we can't handle it. Because my whole life I’ve only experienced it now, how difficult it can be like this. I don’t even know where I’m going to get our daily needs. My husband lost his job, and I also lost my income in my Online shop, well not totally lost but my business has weakened a lot. Since Pandemic also affects almost all of my Resellers.

Each of us struggled in the beginning. But because we are Filipinos. We will not lose in any trial or problem that comes our way. We all work in our different ways to survive, because we Filipinos are full of strategies. And in this pandemic, only one business has become popular with everyone. That's the food business. That's why now on Facebook you can find a variety of delicious foods. And because food is the only Essential these days. This is also where almost all Filipinos focus.

Even I did the same, as an extra income I also started focusing on making sweet desserts. It's also big help for us as an extra income. I started searching how to make Chocolate Moist Cake, Pudding de Leche, And Yema Cheesecake in and even Yema Spread which is already one of my business before.

Just a few glimpse of my Sweet Desserts.


Yema Spread

Yema Spread is a Sweetened Spread made of Condensed Milk. It's perfect for your kids breakfast and snacks. Your kids will surely love this. I've been making Yema spread since 2018. So this is one of my trademarks too in our place. I used to sell this for P100 per 300ml bottle.



1 can Condensed

1/8 cup butter

1/2 cup brown sugar or white sugar*

1 1/2 tsps vanilla extract

1tsp calamansi or lemon juice

*add a pinch of salt to even out sweetness


  • First Caramelized the sugar in the pan in a medium heat.

  • After caramelizing the sugar put the butter and keep stiring then combined the Condensed milk together with the calamansi juice, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.

  • Cook over low heat and stir constantly. Cook for 45-50 minutes or until the texture is smooth and thick. Then set aside and let it cool completely.


Chocolate Moist Cake

I was happy when I made this at the first time. I never thought i could try making something like this, because it looks like it's hard to do everytime I see my friends selling their own Chocolate Moist Cakes. But because i really wanted to try to make one. I ended up watching it's Procedures in youtube. 😊 If you also want to make this kind of business. I highly recommend you this one. This where I learned ho to make Chocolate Moist Cake. You can watch this complete guide with it's costing.

  1. Cheesy Yema Cake

Feedback from my Customer

This Cheesy Yema Cake of mine is just almost same procedure with Chocolate Moist Cake just different Ingredients. This is also one of my best sellers. And my kids do really love this cake too. Having a good satisfaction feedback from your customers makes you more better in making or baking this kind of simple cakes. Here's where I also learned how to make Yema Cake.

  1. Pudding de Leche

Pudding de Leche

I can say that this Pudding de Leche is my Best Seller. Even I was addicted in eating this. I loved the sweetness of this one. It almost look and taste like a leche flan but for a very low price. I'm selling it for P60 per tub. Last Christmas and New Year i really made a good income out of this one. For a very low Capital you'll get a double to triple income. And here's where i get the procedure on how to make a Pudding de Leche.

When it comes to being resourceful, no one can beat the Filipino strategies. And we are more thankful because there is Youtube where we can learn different kinds of food business. Especially in this kind of Pandemic time, only food is in demand. So if you look everywhere here today, everyone is selling food, because it is almost their only source of income. But well as for me it is still a good thing that I learned and found out about BCH so I have more extra income now not just making and selling my sweet desserts.


Trials are just a way for us to become even more stronger. So let us not be discouraged, but let us be more courageous and think of other ways for us to survive. This is an old saying but "God will never give us a problem that we cannot overcome". We have nothing else to do but be positive even in our most difficult situation today. Be a "Madiskarteng Pinoy" Whatever problem comes up, it's just the right “Strategy” is the "Key" .

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3 years ago
