Hosting your NFT Artwork in Heroku for FREE

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3 years ago

are you thinking where you upload your artwork so you can view it in browser?

here is my simple tutorial

software / accounts needed:

  • Heroku CLI

  • Heroku account

  • Git

lets start🙂

1) create Heroku account

  • go to and fill up the form answer the captcha and click create account

    next check your email and click on the link

    here is an example

    after clicking you need to set your password (make sure to set a strong password🙂)

    after setting your password you will redirect to there terms and service (just read and accept it 😄)

  • Next create a new app

    and fill up the form (make sure it is available) and click create app

2) setting up your directory

  • create a new folder in your computer

  • add index.html and composer.json file inside it and create a folder named original, 128, 64, 32

  • under each folder add index.html

  • add the image of your NFT at the right place and edit their file name with the token id in your minting process:)

  • next open index.html in notepad and add some text in it then save:)

  • next open composer.json and add {} in it

3) pushing it in Heroku

  • make sure to install Heroku CLI first :) this is a simple tutorial how to install

    go to

    download the installer base on you system:) for me it 64-bit so i download it:)

    when done downloading just click on it

    just click next and install and wait until it finish :) and click close

    and that's it:)

  • next open command prompt

  • NOTE: hit enter after each command

  • go to the folder we create before just use cd + folder name

    if you put your file on different driver just use the letter (example E) followed by :

    for me I create folder under E:

    so in command line I use

  • next type heroku login and click any key and it will open your browser just click login and if prompt you that you can close the tab just close it:)

  • go back to command line it should be like this

  • then type git init if it says unrecognize command just install git here is the link just download it and install (if you get error here please comment below so will update the tutorial for installing git)

  • next type heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP_NAME for me its newbie02 so i use heroku git:remote -a newbie02

  • next just type git add . then git commit -am "make it better" then git push heroku master

4) testing it!!!

5) deploying your changes

  • so if you add new file and it don't show in server just push it again

  • just open command prompt and go to our directory (folder) again

  • and type heroku login just what we did before

  • then type git add . then git commit -am "make it better" then git push heroku master

and that's it hopefully you get and enjoy it. if you get error just comment down below, i will try to find a way to fix it:)

Follow me for more tutorials😊dont forget to write how you feel in this tutorial

bye see you on next tutorial.... lets share or knowledge to other and fighting for my fellow newbie😊

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Written by
3 years ago
