My Brother’s First Holy Communion

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Avatar for navel2005
1 year ago

March 26, 2023 (1st article for March)

Article no. 1

12:54 PM Cebu City, Philippines

Wassup wassup my chingus. This is susanavel2005, I made a new account because I don’t know what happen to my old account why is it marked spam every time I comment. That is why comments are not visible because they are spammed, maybe because I haven’t been active for a long time. So much for that guys I’m moving on hahaha. How are you all doin? It is so hot today here in our place look how hot it is. When you go out, the heat is scorching like you could cook a fried egg in the road. Well so much for that, for today’s article I will share my brother’s first holy communion.

For Roman Catholic first Holy Communion is considered as one of the holiest and most important occasions in person’s life. It is one of the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church, only the baptized can receive the holy communion. Through these sacrament we become full members of the church. During the first communion we receive the Holy Eucharist, refers to the Christ’s body, blood and soul presented by the host and wine. I almost forgot before you receive the first holy communion you must go through your first confession also called the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

My brother’s first communion was delayed, supposed to be in his 4th grade he should have received it and because of Covid it didn’t happen. My brother and I are the same, it was on our 3rd grade when we had our first holy communion (not same year ha I am 2 years older). We went to the same school and their first communion was in grade 3, here at my younger brother’s school it was in grade 4.

That's my brother next to me, I put his photo coz I couldn't find mine.

They have preparations made for the communicants, there are prayers that need to memorize for their first confession such as Bless Me Father, Our Father, Hail Mary and Act of Penitence. Brother was very excited and kept asking what they were going to there. He made his first confession in March 24 happened in their school they just excuse themselves for a moment in their class to confess. They paid 57 pesos for the mass guide, candle and baptismal certificate.

And the big day came, yesterday March 25, 2023. Because he was so excited he woke up at 4:00 AM but mom made him sleep again because it was too early. He was even angry because he might be late because their teacher said that they should be in the church at 6:30 AM. Around 5:00 AM mother wake him up to prepare take a bath, the clothes he will wear are all set. Due to his excitement again he don’t want to eat breakfast nor drink his milk and so you know what will happen next of course my mother got angry coz she knows already the so called “Filipino Time” wherein they will give a time to assemble but 1-2 hrs. later until it will begin. And he did nothing but follow mom, he ate but only a little portion.

We arrive in the church around 6:35 AM and the other communicants already lined up outside. We looked for his classmates so they could line up together.

That is my brother what he's wearing suits him look how handsome he is.

My brother and his close friends.

Before 7:00 AM they entered the church and went to their designated areas. And this is where the Filipino time that mama mentioned awhile ago came into play. The mass is said to start 8:00 AM but it started at 8:15 AM because prior to that the priest attended the blessing and the mass ended at 9:47 AM.

Lighting of the candle.

Finally he rececived the body, blood and soul of Christ.

This was taken after the mass with his classmates and class adviser.


Thank you so much friends, likers, readers, commenters, upvoters and to Random Rewarder a BIG BIG THANK YOU. Sending my online hugs and kisses to you all.

As always,


The pictures that are featured in this article are captured by yours truly unless stated.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for navel2005
1 year ago


It looks like your brother was very happy then.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yes he was happy that he can have his communion finally

$ 0.00
1 year ago