A Day In My Life (Monday Hot Day)

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1 year ago

March 27, 2023 (2nd article for March)

Article no. 2

9:29 PM Cebu City, Philippines

Hello my read.cash chingus good evening another day another article again. When I arrived at home I went straight to the computer to write. My article for today is simple, I just share what happened to me last night until today. Waking up early for school, going to the night market, and a life update that’s all. Let’s begin guyz. Supposed to be I should have published it this afternoon, just after writing I took a nap, but my nap turned into a deep sleep hehehehe.

Just a little story about what we did last night with mother and my younger sister. We went to night market just doing some window shopping hoping to buy some. We walked around looking at the goods, I was looking for a hoodie and finally I saw a Nike one. When I asked about the price it was a bit pricey it cost 450 pesos or $8+. I didn't bought it because I don't have enough money and I'm ashamed to ask mom because she's buying diapers and milk for my younger sister and then there's school tomorrow and she's going to give us pocket money. So we just bought milk and baby sister's diaper after that we stopped at our favorite milk tea shop, mom only ordered 1 to save money (I don't have a picture because we didn't bring a phone).

After roaming around all we bought was 1 long sleeve croptop and 2 tote bags, the 1 tote bag will be given to my brother's teacher because it's her birthday and the other one is for me of course. We went home with goods in our hands and snacks to munch on, we arrived at around 9:00 PM and I still have unfinished assignment so I did those and ended up sleeping around 11:00 PM.

This is the tote bag given to my brother's teacher.

This is my tote bag. Is it cute?????

And here is the croptop. Is it suits for me?


I woke up 5:00 AM this morning with still unopened eyes because I slept late last night. You already know why I fell asleep for a long time, you probably read it in the 1st part of my article.

But I have to wake up early even though I didn’t get enough sleep. I cooked rice and took a shower, left the house around 7:00 AM and arrived in school around 8:00 AM just 1 hour early for my class. I purposely leave the house 2 hours early before my class because in our area its very traffic and the jeepneys are so full especially on Monday it is always rush hour. Therefore I am forced to go out 2 hours early, that way I’m not going to be late.

When I got to school  I just put on back my headphones and watched Youtube videos, and then first subject came it was math so we passed our assignments and our teacher opened another topic but before introducing it, she recap the past lesson a little bit then proceeded with a new topic. Before ending the class as always she gave us another assignment, but I would say the new topic that she introduced was relatively easy than I expected. I don’t have a hard time understanding it. I was sleepy back then but still understand the lesson, that's how easy it is, I even thought that I might like math, after the discussion was finished.

Picture time coz it's our free time having a little break.

The next subject was ACT nothing special happen he just discussed another topic and end the class. The last subject was English so I pass my essay about our intramurals experience. Since I have an article about that here I don’t have a hard time writing it, just copy my article and then done, but we have to design it so I design it like a bullet journal with my pictures that I took that week. It was beautiful, not to be boastful but I think mine is the greatest, you know that you have to be confident in your work well I’m very confident with mine, I hope I can get 100 points. Our teacher also open another topic about connotation and denotation it was easy too so Ms. did a short quiz it was 10 items and I got 9 checks and 1 wrong with that Ms. ends the class.

Before I went home I bought a cheese hotdog sandwich because I’m so hungry and then went straight home. I just got home and oh boy it was so hot our class ends at exactly 12 noon so the sun is so up and blazing hot, but that is not a hindrance to do my work so now I’m designing my arnis sticks coz the deadline of this is near. I’m also currently writing this article so that I can publish it within this day, multi-tasking isn’t really my thing but I still try multi-tasking because of a ton of work to accomplished.

Me on the way home waiting for the tricycle to be full with passengers.

Now I'm done taking notes on my Science subject and done eating , but still I have to review the cyberbullying ppt that our teacher gave us because we are having a defence tomorrow. Unfortunately she gave it a twist, we formed a group but instead of defending it as a group our teacher will only pick one representative from the groups and will be the defender of your group. She also said that if the representative didn't have a good performance she or he will have low scores and so does her or his groupmates. It means will be having the same scores since it is as a group, so I'm worried about who is going to be the representative in our group. I hope he or she will do a great job of answering and delivering their thoughts clearly.


That is all my friends my productive day, a productive Monday. I hope you have fun reading it and is inspired to be productive all day, because if you are productive you will finished a lot of work. I’ll now go to bed and hope for the best tomorrow morning, for our defence and for a good day. Goodbye for now my read.cash friends sending you my online warm hugs XOXO.

 As always,


The pictures that are featured in this article are captured by yours truly unless stated.

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1 year ago
