Fashion illustration by me (Check out the steps)

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Avatar for naijacryptogirl
3 years ago

Hello guys! I hope you are doing well? Here's my new post after going hiatus for months. I'm a fashion illustrator and I'll show you the steps on how I achieved this. I used Autodesk sketchbook app and my finger as the stylus.

Choose a pencil and sketch your model.
Use a paint bucket to to add the base colors
Choose a darker shade of the base color and use the airbrush tool to shade the necessary areas and contour them
Your model will look like this
To lighten her up, duplicate the layer and change the new layer to "screen"
Paint the style of cloth you pictured in your mind
Choose a darker shade of the base color and shade the gown
You'll have this
Increase the size of the pencil and draw the Sandals
VoilĂ ! Here you go!

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$ 0.17 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for naijacryptogirl
3 years ago
