Core 0.20.1

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Bitcoin Core 0.20.1 has been released with a mechanism for limiting defective nodes

According to the accompanying documentation, the main improvement in 0.20.1 was to address the problem of "improperly functioning peers" or users transmitting incorrect blocks to the network. Under the new rules, the prohibition on the interaction of such nodes with the network is not expected, however, they will receive the status of "discouraged", that is, other nodes are less likely to contact them.

Other nodes will still be able to connect to "discouraged" nodes, but this should happen less frequently. In this case, the removal of the corresponding status from the node will not be carried out after 24 hours or using the "bantime" setting. Its preservation will depend on how successful the further interactions of the defective node with the rest will be.

Also in 0.20.1, the notification bug was fixed, which was present in the client since version 0.19. Users will now be notified again for transactions being removed from the mempool as they conflict with new blocks.

A total of 13 contributors took direct part in the preparation of Bitcoin Core 0.20.1, while at 0.20 there were 119. The changes in the latest major update can be found here.

The lawsuit against the company is based on unsubstantiated inferences

A court document filed with the Northern California District Court was filed with a case in which Ripple is accused of not registering XRP as a security with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and using false information to defraud investors, which led to an increase in the XRP rate.

Ripple's lawyers said the allegations of main plaintiff Bradley Sostack regarding Ripple's alleged misrepresentation of XRP information were "based on unsubstantiated inferences."

Sostak was unable to explain why statements made by Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse in 2017 are false. Lawyers also noted Sostak's tendency to "diligently avoid precise definitions" in his charges.

In May 2018, investors filed a class action lawsuit against Ripple, accusing the company of running an unregistered ICO in 2013. This spring, investors followed up the lawsuit with new claims, claiming that Brad Garlinghouse sold 67 million XRP during 2017. At the same time, Garlinghouse stated that he adheres to a strategy of long-term investment in XRP, and the sale of coins, according to claims, contradicted his statements.

In June, Ripple filed a petition in court to dismiss a lawsuit filed by investors against Brad Garlinghouse for lack of evidence of fraudulent activity. A month later, Sostak filed an objection to the petition, claiming that the suit met the requirements of the US fraud law and exposed "more than a dozen false or misleading statements made by Ripple and its CEO."

Bitcoin resumed its gains this morning and hit the $ 11,700 level.

The first cryptocurrency was last traded near this mark almost a year ago on August 10, when it was pulling back from the 2019 highs. Now the situation has changed. After a two-month consolidation period below $ 10,000, bitcoin broke out earlier in the week and climbed 23% in seven days.

Coinbase To Consider Listing Ampleforth, Balancer, WBTC And 16 Other Crypto Assets

US cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, in line with its commitment to transparency in the market, this Friday revealed another list of assets that it is currently considering listing.

In total, it included 19 cryptocurrencies and tokens. Obviously, Coinbase has decided to keep up with the trends and have listed many decentralized finance (DeFi) assets.

Ampleforth's "adaptive coin" comes first in alphabetical order. It made the headlines this week after it gained over $ 700 million in capitalization in a matter of days and then plummeted to $ 230 million.In addition, the list includes the popular DeFi protocols Balancer and Curve, as well as tokenized bitcoins on the Ethereum blockchain tBTC and WBTC.

In addition, Coinbase is considering listing several tokens that have been initially listed on the Binance Launchpad platform. These are Band Protocol, and Kava. Coinbase users can also get the opportunity to invest in gold, which is of interest to market participants due to its new all-time highs, if the company approves the listing of the Paxos Gold stablecoin.

Also on the list are Blockstack, Flexacoin, Helium, Hedera Hashgraph, Melon, Ocean Protocol, Reserve Rights, The Graph, THETA, and UMA. As always, Coinbase notes that it does not guarantee listing of any of these assets, and specific decisions will be made based on technical and legal factors. The exchange also says that the absence of assets of interest to users in the list does not mean that it will not consider the possibility of listing them in the future.

This is the sixth such notice from Coinbase in two years. In the past, the company has stuck with published listings and added some of the assets to its platform after some time. At the time of publication, most of the tokens named today by Coinbase are trading in the green zone with gains of 2-8%. Against the general background, Melon stands out with 17%, Ocean Protocol with 13% and UMA with 10%.

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$ 0.00
3 years ago