Former Lead Lawyer at Coinbase to Become Head of U.S. Banking Regulation

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3 years ago

Former Lead Lawyer at Coinbase to Become Head of U.S. Banking Regulation

Brian Brooks is currently the first deputy head of the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Joseph Oetting, who plans to retire. Otting has contributed to policy reform efforts to prevent financial discrimination against low-income and minority people. He intends to announce his resignation after his proposed measures take effect this week.

Digycode starts selling XTZ in 10,000 stores in France

French cryptocurrency startup Digycode has added the ability to buy Tezos (XTZ) coins at over 10,000 retail stores in France.

The initiative was launched as part of Digycode's collaboration with the R&D department of Nomadic Labs, the organization that develops and maintains the core Tezos code. The partnership will allow French customers to purchase prepaid cards and coupons for XTZ at more than 10,000 tobacco shops, gas stations and convenience stores across the country.

“The Tezos project is one of the most promising in the industry and we have been following it for many months. Integrating Tezos into our services is part of a broader strategy for this protocol, ”said a spokesman for Digycode.

Harmony mainnet gets staking and sharding support

Blockchain platform Harmony announced that its mainnet is the first to support both staking and sharding at the same time.

In a press release, Harmony representatives emphasize that thanks to the support of staking and sharding, the blockchain project can quickly scale, and users participating in staking will be able to receive from 15% to 45% of annual income.

“You won't find any other blockchain that has the same bandwidth, exchange rate, very low fees and level of decentralization. This gives Harmony a solid foundation for development, ”said Harmony co-founder Nick White.

Kin Developers Plan to Move Project Infrastructure to Solana Blockchain

The developers of the Kin crypto project intend to abandon their own blockchain and move to the Solana platform within a few months, writes CoinDesk.

Kin was originally based on Ethereum, but later the developers decided to add Stellar as a layer for making transactions. They ended up forking Stellar to create their own blockchain, but it turned out to be inadequate for the project's needs.

“The Stellar fork allowed Kin to reach several million customers, but we knew it wasn’t a long-term solution,” says the infrastructure move proposal. - Stellar has a block time of 5 seconds, so, regardless of network congestion, the consumer may experience a transaction delay of 5 seconds. We don't think this is the best user experience. "

Solana, on the other hand, is a high-throughput blockchain based on the concept of optimistic concurrency control, which assumes that transactions do not normally conflict with each other.

Kin expects the transition to the new blockchain to result in 84% lower latency. "According to measurements, Solana processes about 60,000 transactions per second with a block time of 400 milliseconds," the company said.

The Solana Foundation will sponsor the transfer of Kin. The amount of remuneration could reach 1% of the SOL offer, or about $ 6 million at the current exchange rate. Every 0.1% will be unblocked after 1 million active users join within 24 months.

The developers of Kin argue that the reason for the interest in Solana is the accelerated growth of their ecosystem over the past six months. Fork Stellar, they expect, will be able to support the project for several more months.

The company behind Kin development is still involved in litigation with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), accusing it of violating securities laws during the initial Kin token offering (ICO) in 2017, when it succeeded collect $ 98 million

$ 1.60
$ 1.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for nafee
Written by
3 years ago


When things are inadequate it really need to be upgraded on a well system that's a good news to keep track of your blockchain

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your research quality is so rich. Keep it up..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

well in selection if one can select someone with experience then am certain noyhing would go wrong on that end i think so am already congratulating him here

$ 0.00
3 years ago