BitcoinCash 1 - Bitcoin 0

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Avatar for mypathtofire
2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash, BCH, Cash, Money, Crypto, ...

I wanted to send some crypto to my Hive wallet and thought I could just send some Bitcoin over from my wallet. Wrong.

It was just 0.0012 of BTC that I wanted to send and the fees offered were 0.0006 BTC! Literally, half of what I wanted to send would be paid in fees! I had to think for a minute, over €20 of BTC just to send it to an external wallet, that's insane!

There was no way I was going to burn so much crypto for a small transaction like this and my immediate thought turned straight to my trusty friend BCH.

I immediately bought some BCH without thinking and checked the transfer fees and they were a much more realistic 0.001 BCH.

Therefore the use-case for BitcoinCash remains intact. We need a top cryptocurrency that has liquidity and low transaction fees and I don't see any competitors right now.

My journey towards the 1 BCH remains intact.



$ 0.18
$ 0.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @MoneyCanWorkForYou
Avatar for mypathtofire
2 years ago
Topics: Bitcoincash, BCH, Cash, Money, Crypto, ...
