IS money more important than the peace of life?

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1 year ago

September 26, 2022

Greetings to all, Hope everyone is doing healthy and fine.

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Today is and I kept losing track of time for writing It's been a long time since I started to write on reading cash but I think I need more improvements to write better For audience engagement.

Today I want to write the most important topic that I wanted to write about because I thought we mostly neglect this topic.

As we grew day by day and enter the age of 20 plus I realized that money become the most important thing.

In life, I don't know why when a child start earning their parents thought they are financially independent and they knew that their child is earning low but they ask them to buy things from their household...

When I start my earning professionally at 1, 1/2 years back I usually gave all my salary to my parents but I heard that why do you want to give us money...

When I start earning I felt that money is more important than inner peace and your siblings also start fighting with you no one can understand you but if you are the elder in your household you have to understand you have to know the importance of money importance of time you have to be respectful towards the elder siblings you have to brace yourself and you are not allowed to complain and if you are earning a handful amount may you should be given mere respect in your household but as you know the word may be...

We have to improve ourselves I think that will be the best.....

Thank you for reading

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1 year ago
