Do you have a relationship with yourself

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1 year ago


Greetings to all, hope everyone is looking healthy and fine.

The weather is changing here and it's nice to write in the morning my little brother is getting ready for school and he is carrying the whole house on his head and I am tired of listening to his weird voices.


let's start with the real topic of discussion. Today I want to write about the how is a relationship with yourself. We always talk about the relationships that are connected to us like

  • Parents and children's relationship

  • siblings relationship

  • Relationship with your grandparents and relationship with your other family members.

  • relationship with your friends

  • Relationship with your colleagues and workers

But do we realize that we have a relationship with ourselves that is most important? When we want to maintain relationships with others we forget that the most important relationship is with ourselves.

Focus on yourself we should focus on ourselves, we try not to break others' hearts we bend down to cooperate with situations, and we try to maintain that we are strong and nothing can break us but from inside we are breaking and we do not even realize how much hurt we are.

Love yourself

Loving ourselves is the most important and exciting,

you will find the new of yourself

You will find great energy within your body

you will feel refreshed of your self

You will find yourself finding your hidden talents.

Maintain yourself and focus on yourself and you will be able to find

who you are and

what do you want to be

Do not lose yourself

You are precious and you have one life so spend on sharpening yourself.

Thank you for reading until the end

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1 year ago


To answer your question, Yes! I did have a relationship with myself. I used to ignore it because I care more about how others will look or treat me but I realized I should really give more time with myself and improve my relationship with it. Now, I am more on self love.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's great because most of us forgot ourselves and be alone in the end

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In this era instead of making the relationship with ourselves our main concentración Is on our other relationship and mostly we ignored ourselves but thanks for the reminder now I will try to make the relationship with myself

$ 0.01
1 year ago