As I am growing older

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1 year ago

Greetings to all hope everyone is doing healthy and fine.

Today I want to share my thoughts about what I realize as I grow older daily...

Life is all about competition

when I started university I learned that in every field there is a lot of competition, but I managed to get a seat in the physical therapy department. the physical therapy department is becoming my favourite part of life...

wherever I go there are too many applicants and the rate of reference is quite high which put the brilliant/ deserving students in more competing and difficult positions.

so I realized I have to put more effort to be in the field.

I don't want to have friends

At the level of FSC, I have a big circle of friends. I liked having friends, I enjoyed their company and no one is going to make you hurt... what is hurting me is that friends are no longer friends... they became toxic and I think when friends start comparing with each other there will be no friendship it is all like competition. and there will be no fun in friendship and I think it gets ruined...

Family is more important

As we grow we realize that the time we were with our family is great and the best. Sitting with family and sharing your thoughts gives you relaxation and peace in life... The relationship are more important so we have to respect them and we should try to be with our parents as much as we could...

These are the only memories we remember otherwise time will pass by and we will not even have time for compensation for the moments that we Lost.

Thank you for reading

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1 year ago


As we age, we are now experiencing to focus more on important things in life.

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Yes 👍

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