the fine tuning of the universe

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3 years ago

godScientist in the flield of astrophysics have revealed that there is a great design and fine tuning of the conditions of the earth that makes it habitable to life on it impossible. They also revealed that, this kind of intelligent tuning cannot occur merely by accident as claimed by the western materialists! the probability of such delicate tuning to occur by chance is zero. The universe therefore must be specially designed by a super natural being, the God! considering the conditions necessary for life, it has been found that only the earth meets such particular conditions. For example, the planet mars, which amongst the planets is the only one with conditions similar to that of the earth, ( as a result of which many astronomers predicts that with development and advancement in the field of astronomy in future man can colonize it) with the latest development in the field of astrophysics, scientists come to know that man can only live on earth, and cannot colonize any planet other then the earth. Study has show that mars can not support life because pf inadequate amount of oxygen in air, cold weather throughout the year, high daily temperature range of approximately 65c at the equator, dry dusty air throughout the year, albedo effect, low force of gravity, in balance of forces that are found in the planet among others.

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