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Parasite control: Mango is found to grow more than one species of weed, which is detrimental to the normal growth and health of the plant. Parasites have a kind of root-like hysteria, which enters the plant and absorbs and weakens the sap. When parasitic infestation is high, the leaf size of the tree becomes small and pale and many times the tree dies. As a result, the yield of the tree is severely reduced. So if you want to get good yield, you must remove the parasite.

Fertilizer application: Fertilizer application is essential for plant growth and fruit production. The amount of fertilizer depends on the size, age and fertility of the soil. In the afternoon, as much as there is shade, the soil should be chopped and mixed with the soil.

Irrigation Application: Usually the land has the required nutrients in the soil layer or is mixed in the soil as fertilizer so the upper part of the mango orchard 2-3 m is considered as the water conservation layer of the land. So in the dry season it is necessary to irrigate the mango orchard. Mango pods are irrigated 2-3 times in 15-20 days after pea granulation.

Conversion of old sour mango tree to sweet mango tree: If the quality of mango tree in the garden is bad, it can be improved by veneer pen without destroying the tree. If 2-3 branches of an old tree are cut off and a new branch emerges from there, then the new branch should be pruned with a veneer. Thus the work has to be completed 3-4 times.

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