Medicinal plants(Dutura)

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Herbs are plants that are commonly used in food, flavoring, medicine, or perfumery. Spices are produced from these herbs for cooking. Usually fresh or dried leaves and flowering parts of the tree are used for this purpose. And spices are made from the seeds, fruits, bark, buds and roots of the tree.

Medicinal plants are used for many purposes, such as cooking, medicine, and sometimes religious observances. Medicinal plants are called medicinal plants. No matter what is said, the name of the plant indicates its leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, seeds, bark, streaks, and fruit peels.


As far as is known, the Sumerians used medicinal plants in 5000 BC. The ancient Egyptians used sweet garnish, coriander garnish, and thyme in 1555 BC. He was well known for inventing complex herbal medicines..

Medicinal herbs used in cooking

A bunch of fragrant leafy vines.

Herbs used in cooking are different from vegetables, they are used in small amounts, some like spices. These plants spread different tastes and odors in food.

Medicinal plants can be perennials such as thyme or lavender, biennials such as parsley, coriander or even perennials such as basil. Perennial herbaceous plants can be shrubs such as rosemary or trees such as bay leaves, cinnamon. Some of them are used in both spices and herbs. For example, coriander leaves and soft stems are used as medicinal plants and its seeds are used as spices. There are some plants in the mint family that are used in cooking as well as in herbal medicine, such as basil, mint, etc.

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