Allah's Mercy

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Avatar for ms.mira
3 years ago

The beauty of Allah’s mercy is that no matter how much you’ve wronged yourself, there’ll always be a piece inside your heart that yearns for His love. We humans are always close to making mistakes. Indeed, all sons of Adam commit mistakes and the best among them are those who repent (Tirmizi).

There are moments in our lives in which we have strongly wronged and neglected our own. Have you ever wondered why you end up devastated, guilty, confused, agonized or troubled whenever you commit a mistake or a sin? Have you ever felt that something inside you wants to be at peace and return to Allah?

It’s not because you’re special or you’re something that’s why you have it inside your heart. It’s all because of Allah’s mercy reaching to you. Allah is indeed Arroheem, the Most Merciful. The beauty of His mercy shines from within, and your heart deserves to get the love it needs like how flowers need waters to make them grow. What has dried out of sins can be poured with genuine drops of tears from the heart. Never ever give up no matter how many times you’ve stumbled upon making mistakes. Don’t let your broken heart conquer the whole you, listen to what it really says behind the beating flesh. Can’t you hear that? Your heart’s calling out on you to wake up and start to make things right.

You can’t just let go on your longing to become a good person. Allah’s forgiveness is wide and immeasurable. Which of His favors can we deny? We have wronged ourselves yet Allah still has mercy on us. We have forgotten to thank Him and neglected our prayers yet He stood the nearest to our ways.

Do you know why you keep coming back? Because your heart believes that tranquility and true peace is found upon the remembrance of Allah.

It’s not too late to start anew. Don’t let your mistakes judge you or hinder you to become someone better than who you are today. Cry to Allah in Sujood, raise your hands and never be afraid to share what is really inside your heart and mind. Even if nobody understands you, He understands you more than you understand yourself. Reach out to Him only. Surely, He’ll give you what is best for you

Secure your future upon hoping to Him only, pray and never stop praying even after changes are done in your life. Don’t strain that little imaan building within your chambers. Wake up, Allah has mercy on you. Seek for His love, and you’ll find everything, you’ll find the cure to your diseased heart.

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3 years ago


Allah can change our life...and He can also destroy our life.

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3 years ago