To the great people we will be— a letter addressed to our future selves

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2 years ago
Topics: Journey, Purpose, Memories, Hope, Life, ...

To the great person I will be,

By the time you read this, I know a bright and wide smile is present in your face. There will be a spark in your eyes— knowing that you have surpassed everything despite the ups and downs you have been through. Try to recall every little thing that made you upset before. Recall the times that you almost quit. Reminisce the moments wherein you are in your downest down. Aren't you proud of yourself, huh?

As your old seld jots this down, she might wondering how far she could go. Perhaps, you would know the answer. She excitingly looks forward to the days where the tears her eyes used to release, will be dry and gone. Indication of enough toxicity and tiring days. She is now typing this, facing her laptop and thinking of empty thoughts. Perhaps, you know the answer. Aren't you excited to tell her everything she likes to know?

Life is not a fantasy. How unfortunate. We need to go through tough times in order for us to appreciate rest. We need to experience rains and storms to see the beauty of rainbows. For sure, you went to different phases that has transformed you to what you are now. In case no one has told you, you are completely opposite of what you were before. Just like butterflies, they cannot see their own colorful wings. But that is why I am writing this, to remind you that you are shaped into a perfectly fine person you did not thought you will be.

I wanted to congratulate you for being strong. Firm enough to take hold of the darkest and weak moments you had. Perhaps, you haven't imagine you will overcome those. You thought you could not do better— now tell me, aren't you happy with what you achieved right now?

For how many times you thought of letting go? Letting go of your dreams, ambitions and the desires of your heart. Good thing, you chose listening to your inner self— encouraging you to keep moving, no matter how slow your progress was. Thankful for her as well, by the way. Perhaps, without her, you lose yourself already. I can't clearly remember how many times you doubted yourself. Neglecting what you can because of some failures. If you don't mind asking, aren't you greatful that you continued believing in your skills?

I want you to read this even after 5, 10, 20 years. I hope you will remember to see this when fate is giving you another set of trials. Take note, you do not need to have the luxury cars, a huge house, or a bank account to appreciate this letter I have made for you years ago. Success is not just material things, my dearest. You should know that I am beyond proud for following the path you have made for your own good. For the nth time, aren't you contented with those stuffs?

I will wait for your reply. Please, respond to this as you opened this. But never forget, what I am looking forward is the smile attached within your response.

Sincerely yours,

Your toughest other half.

We all have battles that only us know. Honestly, the past week have been a tiring time for me. I will share the story behind it once I am totally okay. But for now, I hope this serves as a motivation for me, and to other people who are also trying to find light in darkest moments of their lives.

Thank you for browsing! Well-appreciated.

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may the stars align in your favor.

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2 years ago
Topics: Journey, Purpose, Memories, Hope, Life, ...
