My Lessons From Death of My Mother

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3 years ago

My mother taught us lessons with her death as well as her life. I think the attitudes she showed in her life are meaningful today. A woman who has suffered greatly throughout her life. Although she had expressed this issue many times, she could not convince us.

She was the oldest daughter in her family. She only had an older brother. She was married at a young age. She could neither receive an education nor live her youth. Her mother hadn't even taught her how to cook. She spent her life in pursuit of the field and the cow, as she called it. When she reached the age of 18, she was fortunate. She got married without ever seeing him. This was the most corrupt form of marriage called "arranged marriage". She had to forget the man she loved. She was actually singing songs to him while working in the field. She saw the man she married on the wedding night. He was a teacher like his father. His father-in-law was also a teacher, she. The bride was taken from one village to another on horseback. This time she continued working as a farm at her mother-in-law's command.

She immediately had children. She gave birth consecutively she. Her husband went to the military. He was left alone. He caused his death because he made his baby's food solid. It became clear on this day that his prayer made at that time was accepted. His prayer on that day was this: God would never show him the death of one of his sons again. She lost her two children at an early age. He gave birth to 9 children, two of whom were dead. Their first child was always a boy. The girl continued to give birth because of her husband, who wanted to have children. There was always a difference of 1.5 to 2 years between their children. Only after the last boy they would have lost their hopes that they took a break for 5 years.

After the first girl, they could not get their speed, they had 3 girls every 2 years. They even thought of paying attention to the third one. But, in his words, they gave up in fear of God. They migrated from the village to the city, but for many years the peasant life could not give up. Because her husband's salary was too low. The family population was large. Their fields were somewhere in the middle of the village and the city, nothing changed. They were going to the field again on foot. They were planting beans and corn. They preferred the kidney bean type of beans. They made pickles from kidney beans, dried some of them and used them in the dish they called bean soup. They were planting kale and cooking it. The famous mashed dish was a constant on the menu.

It is always the first step - Poetry

Everything in life

One step

Of being human

One step only

More than one

Has always had a name

Planets stars

Ground sky fire water air

It's all one step

Pregnant steps from action to reaction

Everything in the world

The effect is the reaction

Response passes as the second step

After the effect

Known as the first step

As long as steps are taken

Steps are formed in the world

If out of the world

There are steps first

Then steps to be taken

Occurs alternately

Action and reaction arise with each other

Some steps have a law

With these laws steps taken

It is formed by harmony

Connecting action and reaction

The most beautiful law is harmony

Here the steps follow each other

Love is born and love falls on people

The share of animals is love

Share of the existing

Hidden in the way they exist

Whatever is what it is

That's why

No existence can go beyond

The first step is the destiny of the next step

So he must take the right first step

The foundations are not laid right

Her story is a lie and a false

Everything that exists in the universe

Coming from effect to reaction

Chain of steps taken

A different story in every link

Who gives life while coming to life

Just like the world we live in

Some just find life

One who is content with what he finds cannot change and develop

A skillful change always develops

The right step at the right time is necessary

All steps taken for development

By completing the adaptation process

There can be no living beings that don't adapt anyway

It is imperative to adapt for a good existence

He is in need in terms of human existence

We need more than one straight line

One right step is not enough forever

The continuation of the right steps must always come

Understanding is a good step for people

If every human being could take this step

Everything could be completely different at any time

Beauty is the fruit of good steps

And everything happens step by step

Pay attention to your every step so!

Then tarhana soup was added to the menu. They also built a barn in the city. They had cows and calves. They were selling their milk and making yogurt into ayran. They were using the butter to nail it. They consumed the ayran alongside bulgur pilaf. They lived half-peasant and half-urban life in the village-like rural part of the city. They were making corn bread. It was he that they consumed as bread. Halva was a feast food. They did not recognize other foods.

The children went to school in torn rubber shoes. Once a year she also had the chance to wear a new dress for the holidays.

My MOTHER was again kneading between the field, the barn and the child.

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3 years ago
