Jamjamat Zainul Mela

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2 years ago

Three-year-old Saiyara stares in amazement at the red wheel made of paper and bamboo twigs. No batteries, no one moving, still spinning. The mother is capturing the surprise in her eyes.

Holding the hands of many such parents, the children came to the fair wearing colorful clothes. Many like for the first time. Although the participation of young men and women was more. The winter sun was just above the head. Wednesday, 12 noon on the clock. The interior of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Dhaka University was then festively colored. Zainul Abedin's 108th birth anniversary is still going on there like every year.

There are towels, sheets, three-pieces of Sylhet, hobby pots of Rajshahi, tepa dolls, hand fan of Narayanganj, sholashilpa of Magura, shitalpati of Bikrampur, various musical instruments, costumes and many other folk works of art!

Like the posara of Bengali folk art in the premises of the Faculty of Fine Arts. And as the clock ticks, so does the number of buyers and visitors. Mainul Abedin, son of Zainul Abedin and his family were present at the fair.

Craftsmen from different parts of the country are sitting on one side of the field. The cost of cloth and shola wings is 200 to 300 rupees. Tepa dolls cost between 20 to 100 rupees. Musical instruments are also available at different prices. On the other hand, students of different departments and years of this faculty have given shops across the verandah of fine arts. There are also alumni.

Selling clay made by the hands of these students is being sold there. Rickshaw paintings to be removed, Van Gogh's famous 179 works of art, Whit Field with Cypresses, flower gardens, flowers in vases, portraits of women and many more. They cost 400, 800 and 1000 rupees depending on the size and drawings.

In addition, the crowd is more hand-made jewelry, hairpins, tips, bags and interior decorating materials. The teachers of this faculty have come to visit these stalls with their families. The three-day shopkeeper students are playing with the children from the lap of the teachers forgetting the sale.

Teachers are also buying these artistic materials made by their students without any bargain. The seniors and juniors have a cup of tea. All in all, this part of the Zainul festival has become a gathering place for current, alumni and teachers.

A teacher recognized an old student. Said, ‘Your result was very good. Didn’t you join (as a teacher) somewhere? ’The answer came,‘ Sir, I want to work. I draw and design as a freelancer. Bought from different houses. I also sell tuktuk myself. He doesn't want to be a "mastermind", sir. ' These should be taught to the students

From noon onwards, seeing a small crowd in a part of the musical dew field, he started playing drums and drums. Yes, the 'distribution of the crowd' has started! Forgetting shopping, people dragged the open field.

The fair will run every day from 10 am to 8 pm. It will end on December 31.

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2 years ago
