The Most Effective Method to Add Subtitles to Video with iMovie for Windows 10

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1 year ago

Are you looking for a solution to add subtitles to your videos in Windows 10? If your answer is yes, you are at the right place where you will learn the most effective tips to add subtitles to your videos. You can go with the Movavi video editing tool of iMovie for Windows 10. In this content journey, we are going to mention effective methods to add subtitles to videos.

Add a subtitle in your videos:

You can add it directly to your video if you already have a subtitle file saved on your PC. Now, you can use free software to add subtitles to videos using an existing subtitle file. Here, you can use the Movavi video editing tool, which is a portable video processing utility. It can be used for multiple objectives including video conversion and video editing. In it, you can also find lots of options in order to add subtitles to your videos using an existing file.

Steps to add a subtitle in your videos:

 First of all, you need to install the Movavi video editing tool on your pc

 Launch this software on your PC

 Now import video files

 After that, import a subtitle file in a supported format

 Now you need to set up the output video configuration

 In the end, press Encode button to save the output video.

Let's dive deep into these steps to know more about it:

Firstly, you need to install the Movavi video editing tool on your Windows 10 PC. It also offers a portable version that you can download and use from its authorized website. After that, click on the Open File button, in order to import the source video file from your PC. Additionally, you can easily import multiple videos at a time. After that, you need to choose the video file and move to the subtitle tab and press the import button. You have diverse options to import a subtitle file such as ASS, JSS, SSA, SRT, etc.

You will be able to view it in the Source panel after importing the subtitle file. You can customize different subtitle options including Encoding, Mode, Colors, etc. Set up these alternatives therefore and click on the Add to Output button in order to add the video to the Output panel. In addition to this, you can use the same process for all the added video files to add subtitles to all of them.

If required, you can again edit a video by going to the Preview tab. You can use editing options like resize, rotate, clip speed, flip, crop, invert, mirror effect, sharpness, blur, and more in it. Subsequent, go to the Format tab, and there you can customize many output video configurations, like output video format, output destination, etc.

Eventually, select videos and click on the Add to column option and then press the Encode button. In this way, it will process your video files and add subtitles to them.


Hopefully, after reading this informative article, you're well-conversant with the effective methods to add subtitles in videos. There is no doubt that youre now knowledgeable in this field and have got all information about adding subtitles. Through this content journey, we have thoroughly exhausted all the information that is important from a video editing point of view. Furthermore, if you want to know more about it, you can go with the Movavi video editing tool of iMovie for Windows 10. Furthermore, if you have any doubts or suggestions, don’t forget to get in touch with us in the below comment box. Thank you for reaching out!

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