Dhaka's Buriganga river

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Avatar for mottakin123
3 years ago

If you happen to be visiting Dhaka, Bangladesh’s huge, densely-crowded capital, a river cruise is a chance to get away from all the clamour. A trip on the city’s main river, the Buriganga, is an exciting way to spend some time.

The river is often described as Dhaka’s lifeblood. It runs southeast from the city, joins other major rivers and ends in the Ganges Delta, which covers a vast portion of southern Bangladesh. In all, the country has more than 8,000 rivers.

The Buriganga once formed a channel of the Ganges but as the course of the river changed, it lost this link and became known as the Buriganga – ‘Old Ganges’ in Bengali.

Today it’s heavily polluted with industrial and household waste. But don’t be put off by this. It remains an important transport route for huge numbers of people every day and makes a fascinating cruise.

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3 years ago

Good one

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User's avatar Din
3 years ago