LAW Punks Dungeon: a lottery with multiple prizes + a NEW token

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Avatar for mortinp
2 years ago

BlockNG won't stop impressing its community, and besides the several ways they've created to distribute their token, today they launched a new fun feature in their website:

The LAW Punks Dungeon

The Dungeon is sort of a lottery where your punks fight for different types of prizes. You need to form a team of up to 10 punks and pay 100 LAW for each of them.

The lottery will accummulate everyone's payments and create a few prizes with different rewards. One of the rewards is the Jackpot, others increase your punk's level, etc.

Some prizes come with rewards in lawETP, a new token by BlockNG that will bring new use cases in the short term >0<.

Below I post a picture of the exact prizes for each round as described in the Dungeon page:

There's only a 10% chance you won't win anything, as only the ROUT price doesn't give anything. The other four prizes (JACKPOT, NIRVANA, ARROW OF TIME and EQUILIBRIUM) all give something in return for your participation.

BTW, you have to respect the names BlockNG chooses for their stuff :)

The game is being played already by the community and quite a few punks have won the lottery already.

Note: LAW token's price is ~$0.28 as of the time of writting, and Jackpot is 1400+ LAW (~$390).

The lottery winners can be tracked realtime in this group in Telegram:

Here's a picture of a community member who won big with a few of his punks
-5 prizes in one go!:

How can you play the game?

First step to play the game is buying at least one LAW Punk. You'll need a punk to form your team and enter the battle -the Dungeon is only one of the many things you can do with your punks, trust me.

You can buy the punks either at the marketplace (use the filters for discovering the punks you want), or following the listings in realtime in this Telegram channel:

Second step is having 100 LAW for each punk you're going to take to battle. You can acquire some LAW at MistSwap, BenSwap or other DEX.

Third step is going to the Dungeons tab in your punks page, form you team and take them to battle. Just choose your punks, put them in the slots and click 'FIGHT'.


A few things to keep in mind

  • This is a probabilities game based on the punk's level. That means, the higher level your punk, the more chances you have to win the best prizes. Anyway, a few 0 level punks have won the Jackpot already!

  • The 100 LAW per punk work only for 1 attempt, so you'll need to keep acquiring LAW (or earning them in one of BlockNG's systems) to continue playing.

  • IMPORTANT: After you click FIGHT you'll see a timer running. Make sure you click OPEN BOX before the timer runs up, otherwise you'll get no prizes.
    (Thanks @k1ll1van1ll1 for suggesting this addition)

  • Having a 4 level punk play the game is mostly a safe bet. The NIRVANA prize gives you one free level up for the winning punk + 1 lawETP, so if you get your level 4 punk upgraded to level 5, you're getting your 100 LAW back since upgrading to level 5 costs 100 LAW in itself.

  • You can't have your punks listed for sale or staking in order to play the lottery. They must be released and resting for battle :)

There you go. Go ahead and try the lottery and if you win, please share with the community in this group: We'll all shill for you.

SIDENOTE: You can find an explanation of the lawETP token at this article by BlockNG:

$ 1.32
$ 1.00 from @k1ll1van1ll1
$ 0.22 from @Pantera
$ 0.10 from @dr_preobrazhensky
Avatar for mortinp
2 years ago


good read buddy!

Just make sure to add that you have to claim your reward before the timer goes to 0, otherwise you will receive nothing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! Added it to the article already :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago