An ideally stable living area, very important for identity and acceptance, is surrounded by more competitive zones inhabited by famous people. Both are based on personal experience. They go into areas that are not personally known. There, everything comes down to anonymity, connections and obligations are not important.
This is the field of management, business and politics, where people go their own way, pursue their own interests, and everyone takes care of themselves (kanya-kanya).
Often it is seen as a realm of chaos, violence, power and economic gain, exploitation and corruption. The picture drawn by the editors and columnists of the newspaper is at least that of a “public” world and skeptical of its political processes - often even cynical.
Interestingly, this is also the picture that Filipinos used in the first year of high school presidents have good intentions in social science texts, but always fail to bring order to the state; Corruption, fraud and irregularities seem “natural” at home in this vast space.
From a family-based moral point of view, this vast space appears to be morally declining. That is, an area where individuals do not know their location and as a result are confused. Perhaps it can only be expected in impersonal and anonymous places.
How can people orient themselves and know their location?
The measures proposed to bring order to the public place seem to teach people their obligations and obligations, but they should understand the public place as a private, common good, and that good order is personal morality. It depends on the operation.
People should consider the government as a respected and kind backer. Because of its benefits, people need to pay taxes, respect the law, and pay homage to the flag.
That is what the Quezon Code of Ethics is all about, and why the preamble to the Constitution and the good intentions of the government, and the rights and duties of Filipinos, should be studied in school.
And when the stubborn outside world tends to remain in disarray, values must nevertheless be taught, and the department in question conducts an incessant stream of value creation courses, during which and in the Senate a program for restoring morale recovery of the country depends on the salvation of its citizens, and the burden of organization rests on the fortune and knowledge of the right ways of the individual.
In this thinking it seems that when things do not work as they should, the root of the problem must be found in the moral decline of the individuals who together make up society.
It is obvious that they do not sufficiently know the place and the duty, and the moral, the values that should guide them. Because they "have no knowledge" (Walang Pinag-Aralan) about the correct ways, they must be taught, get moral guidance, then wise and "wise", they cannot escape morality.
Thus, many people personally feel that they solve social problems by emphasizing personal ethics. At least, for those who are important to their relatives and friends, they are aware of the duty and responsibility.
In his personal image of social life, his family's good order is the cornerstone of the desired social life, while the outside world is always viewed with suspicion.
In the Philippines, the latter aspect has been compounded by the government's repeated years of low legitimacy and even illegitimacy.
Successive colonial masters, applying their will with impartiality, could determine the size and shape of the country, but were not recognized as a proper, true government.