World book day - March 3rd 2022
Today I saw banner about world book day, that happens to be celebrated and I decided to make article about it. I think books are very important and they are big part of my life. I know many people don't like to read, but it's really another form of movie or tv-show, with much much more details and things that can't be shown but only read. Also it's up to you to chose actors 😁
How books came in my life
I was (thanks to my mother) member of local library since I was only 2. My mother was reading to me and story-telling my favorite fairy tales each night. and I enjoyed it a lot. However, when it came to that I have to read on my own, I didn't liked it. This was mostly because we were forced to read in school books that are part of school reading. They weren't bad books, and now I understand concept, but back then I didn't like to be forced to read anything and I prefer others to read to me (of course😁). You can guess I got bad grades, and my mother didn't know what to do and what is the problem. Eventually, she bought set of first 5 Harry Potter books and that was it. Love at first line! I "swallowed" all 5 parts and couldn't wait for the next.
Here is my Harry Potter set, and as you can see last two books are different. It's because first publisher didn't publish final two parts (book numbered 5 and 6 are "Order of Phoenix" but in 2 books), so it's from different publisher. I know Harry Potter isn't best set of books, but it's what brought me to the world of books. And I know many people are fans and many kids love to read it. So if you ask me, books are for everyone, you just have to find right book for you that will interest you to read more and more.
Later I started going to book fair with school each year, and latter on my own. Since I started I haven't missed any (but last two, due to pandemic). I was falling in love with books more and more, I started to care about details and to make my own collection. Since I was reading in library through primary and high school, later I just searched for books that I liked the most to by for myself and to have it always. I always carry book with myself. I am maybe too crazy, but I really like to have nice books and to collect them and to smell them and touch 😁 Okey, I take it too far, I know, but if you haven't so far, give books a chance!
Even though I like to read almost everything, I do have some preferences and favorite authors and my collection is pretty full but of course I have some books that I want there, but I usually buy books only on fair and try to get good deal.
Since I set goal to read one book a week maybe I will do short review and recommendation here, but I will see yet.
Anyways, happy world book day, enjoy in some book today and every other day!