Protect your skin

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2 years ago

Skin protection is something we should take care of all the time, but specially in the summer. Most people think Sun is okay when it's not summer, but that is not true. As someone with pale and sensitive skin, I can tell you, you can burn in April as well. Some people do have better skin, and do better on sun and not get burned, but it doesn't mean that sun rays are not bad for them as well.

Some time ago, there was a photo posted on Instagram that went viral. It showed one old grandma and her skin. Her neck and skin around her ears was almost perfect and with no wrinkles. Only by looking at that part, you would never think that it's a very old lady. The rest of her face was very wrinkled and showed her true age. Why is it? Because she wears a scarf all the time to cover her head, parts that were covered and not exposed to the sun were protected and didn't age as much as the rest of the face. I can't show photos here, but I did search and found an Instagram post that included these photos, and you can check it out here link. I think it is great and simple example of how important is skin protection.

Also, many people like sun and like to get tanned, so even if they use protection they use lower SPF in order to get more color. But just think about it, what is more important to you? Your look or health? I hope you chose wisely.

If you wonder, what is the worst that can happen? You get burned a little, and it passes after a few days, and you get more wrinkles later on. Well, no, that's far away from worse. UV rays can cause malignant tumor of the skin. I don't think it's worth of risk. 

Some people are confused with SPF and meaning of it. I heard that people think number is related to time lasting of protection. So, for example, if you put SPF 50 you will have to put it again in 5 hours, and if you put smaller number you will need to put it again sooner. But this makes no sense, because everyone would use 50 then, so that they don't have to put cream every 2 hours. But this is not correct, number is connected to % of protection. This is why you will get the most tan with SPF 6, but also the least of protection. 

Another handy thing could be application about UV rays for that day. Application is called UV Lens, and it shows how strong and bad are current rays. You can put your skin tone and some other info, and also get information how much time it will take you to burn on the current sum.

I know it's boring and greasy and people are lazy to do it, but please, take care of yourself. It is important.

Photos I included in this article are original (screenshots) and lead image is from

Thank you for reading my post 💓

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2 years ago
